Chapter 6 - The Girl On The Beach

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Hiccup's POV
On a chilly spring morning Toothless and I were making a stroll on the beach when we saw a small boat in the sand. I grew my wings and flew to the boat. There was a young girl lying next to it, unconscious. She had blond curly hair and a suntan skin like light caramel. She had cuts and wounds and looked like she had escaped from someone hurting her a lot. I took her into my arms and carefully laid her on Toothless's back. We flew back to our house and I put her in my bed. Toothless licked her wounds since Night Fury saliva could heal most simple wounds. She didn't look as bad as she had before but she still looked weak. She was a bit pale and she shivered so I took an extra blanket and covered her. By the looks of her size and face she was about eight or nine years old.
'It must have been horrible what she had gone through', I murmured and Toothless looked at the girl sadly.

It had been a week since we found the girl but she was recovering. Her face gained more colour and most of her wounds were already healed. It was that morning when I heard a groan from upstairs and I knew that she was awake. I ran upstairs, Toothless right behind me, when we saw the girl sitting on the side off my bed. She freaked when she saw us and crawled against the wall.
'No no, you don't have to be afraid!', I said. 'We're not gonna hurt you.' She looked at Toothless with her ocean blue eyes and he sat down and purred. She relaxed a bit and looked at me.
'Where am I?', she asked.
'You're in our house', I said.
'You were lying next to a small boat on one of the shores of our island.' She looked a bit scared at the mention of her boat.
'What's your name?', she asked.
'I'm Hiccup and that's Toothless. You?'
'I'm Alivia. But you can call me Liv.'
', would you like to eat something?'
'Yes! I'm starving!', she said and I led her to the kitchen. I gave her some cooked fish and she ate it rapidly.
'Thanks', she said.
'For taking care of me and stuff.'
'No problem', I said.
'One question. No two actually. Why are you alone on this island and how did you make Toothless trust you?', she asked me. I told her the whole story and she was fascinated.
'What happened to you?', I asked when I finished explaining about my dragon powers. Her face darkened but she started talking anyway. She explained about how the Outcasts had attacked her island and killed her parents and about Alvin trying to get information about all the gold of their tribe. She had been held captive for about two weeks when she had seen an opportunity and had luckily made it off their island. She was at sea for a long time without any food or water. Then she had seen our island and had passed out as soon as she had arrived on our beach. I was shocked how Alvin could have done this to a eight year old. To make her cheer up I offered to make a flight around the island.
'Really?! I can ride Toothless?', she said excitedly.
'Yeah. If you don't mind', I added in Dragonese. Toothless purred and let Liv jump on his back.
'Here we go!', I shouted and jumped out of the door growing my wings and soaring through the wind with Toothless and a screaming Liv behind me.

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