Chapter 23: As long as i have you

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Harry POV

There I sat in the waiting room, with my elbows prompt on my knees while my chin rested on my folded hands. Too many thoughts where circling in my mind. What if it was too late? What if she’s gone? Stop It! Be positive Harry! I told myself as I rubbed my temples trying to push aside the negative thoughts.

It's been an hour since she was placed into an emergency ICU. According to the doctor glass was so deep that they had to do surgery in order to remove it, and that her wrist was fractured, due to the force when she was thrown into the mirror.

The room was packed at this hour. Many family members were seated waiting for their love ones to come out of surgery as well. Some you could tell been there for quiet sometime because they were all ready sleeping.

I eyed the clock placed on the wall and watched as the time ticked by. I was growing impatient by the second. I wanted to know if she was okay.

"Harry." I heard someone call behind me. When I turned around I saw Louis trailing towards me. Concerned plastered everywhere on his face.

"Louis." I got up from my seat and gave him a hug. Soon after him trailed the rest of the gang.

"Any news?" Jenessa distressed. "God I knew I should have tagged along with her."She was now pacing back and forth.

"What happened Harry?" Liam's stern voice startled me.

"We want answers truthful answers." Zayn chimed in, his arm wrapped protectively around Perrie.

So, I told them from the moment we left the pub to when the whole crisis occurred. Everyone was trying to take what I said in while Jenessa practically sent death glares.

"You were going to fuck my cousin after what you put her through 2 years ago!" She bellowed. Niall put a hand on her shoulder to calm her but she swatted it away. She arose from the couch, and slowly strolled towards me. "You know the pain you caused her? Do you Harry? Do you know how devastated she was when you told her that she was nothing to you? That you used her huh?"

Her words were stinging me every time. Each word was practically hammering my heart. I sounded so cruel. Jenessa poked my in the chest as she continued to tell me stuff that was hitting me hard. After a while I couldn't take it. Without thinking I blurted out something that I knew I shouldn't have.

"STOP!" Jenessa closed her mouth. "I didn't want to say those things to Brianna, nor did I want to leave her period ok? I was forced by management who threatened me that if I didn't break up with her they would ruin her!" Everyone was quiet even the people in the waiting area were. "I loved Brianna and always have. Last night was about to happen because we loved each other because I LOVED her."

I looked at everyone as I said this. The word was out already so might at well tell them everything.

"I want her, I want all her flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, everything I just want her because I love her to the moon and back." No one said a word. "Words out. Truths out. So now you all and quit pestering me."

With that said I simply walked away, towards the cafeteria were I desired to find warm coffee. Right now I could use some warmth in my body to calm myself. On the way there I stopped by a bathroom. When I entered I stood in front of the mirror examining my exhausted self. I had about 4 tape strips on my cuts that were on my face. One was on my lip, the second was on my nose, the third was on the corner of my right eyebrow, and the last was on my forehead. On my left cheek there was bruise that was beginning to color, due to the blow from Caleb.

I walked out of the bathroom colliding into what I believe a doctor. His tall lean figure towered over me. When I looked up I found that it was Doctor Phillip. The surgeon who helped with Brianna's surgery.

"Just who I was looking for." He stated scratching his bald head.

"What's the news doc?" I right away asked.

"She's fine, surgery went well. She seems like a fast healer so I find her back on her feet in three-four days." I sighed in relief. God, that news just brightened my mood.

"Thanks doctor." I shook his hand and walked back towards the lobby forgetting about my coffee that I planned to get. Everyone was seated on the chairs, just daydreaming. When I cleared my throat everyone whipped their heads towards my direction.

"Surgery went well. Just spoke to the surgeon." Everyone let out a "thank you lord" sigh while clapping.

I situated myself on the seat besides Niall, who was picking at his hangnail. Knowing that the surgery went well took some weight off my shoulders.

"So," Niall slowly said, while not bothering to look up. "Management?"


"You were forced huh?" I nodded and he proceeded. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Cause Holly threatened me Niall." His eyes were now looking at mine. "She threatened that if I told any of you about me being forced to leave Brianna then she would make sure Brie paid the consequences."

"You were forced to leave my daughter?" I heard a male voice say behind me. When me and Niall turned around ours eyes locked with the one guy that I was afraid of. Brianna's father. Besides him his wife was suspiciously eyeing me. "I asked you a question." His stern voice made me flinch.

Great, now everybody is going to know now. I stood to my feet and pulled him to the side along with Brie's mother. That is when I told them what I told the lads.

No facial expression was visual in my eyes, after I explained to them what had happened with management. They just stared at me it complete utter shock. John Brie's father grazed his hands over in face.

"You mean to tell me that you broke up with my daughter to save her, from management ruining her life."

Forced To Leave You **Watty Awards 2013**Where stories live. Discover now