Seedings | Season Four

710 23 26

Games Included: Author Games: A Knight's Valor. Author Games: Ace of Spades. Author Games: Deadlands. Author Games: City of Gold. The Author Games: Literature. Writer Games: In the Name of the Seven. Author Games: The Truth Comes Second. Writer Games: The World Upside Down. Author Games: Clock Tower.

Last Updated After: Author Games: Clock Tower.

1. TheCatKing - 39.7

2. CAKersey - 37.5

3. MyNameIsInigoMontoya - 35.4

4. TessRebellious - 35

5. josie-tee - 34.1

5. ShayTree - 34.1

7. WhovianHorseLover - 33.3

8. almostkarla - 33.2

9. -Raven- - 32.5

10. katniss-everdeen - 32

11. Panem_ (Paella) - 31.8

12. annie1loves1you - 29

13. Clove_Thenardier - 27.9

14. Clara-impossible - 27.8

15. magic_mockingjay - 27.5

16. annlu03 - 27.3

17. AlyssaVienesseTan - 25.8

18. Soft_Serve7 - 25.7

19. LightOfTheMooneh - 25.6

20. lostwithmyfriends - 25.4

20. wordsmith- - 25.4

22. MagmaKepner - 25.3

23. Ryder27 - 25.2

24. Squad53 - 24.3

25. SilverAndGoldfish - 23.9

26. 2-cool-4-school - 23.8

27. XoXAnnabethXoX - 23.6

28. a-k-a-anonymous - 23

29. aceh3x - 22.4

30. TheDarkHorse - 22.3

RocketMason - 22.2

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