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In the world of Author Games, there often isn't a way to tell where you stand amongst your competitors, especially as competition is ever-changing and no one person is suited to all Games. In order to recognize those who have succeeded, @CAKersey created the Seedings, a ranking of competitors based on their success in Games across Wattpad. Seasons 1–2 were based on a cumulative score of all Games participated in by an author. In Season 3, Carl created a new formula for scoring, prioritizing quality over quantity through the use of averaging. This is the algorithm we use today.

Also included in this book are the Index, where you can find a list of ongoing, open, or upcoming Games that will be included in the Seedings. It also includes the Timeline, a past record of seeded Games and their Victors, which was previously developed by a team of renowned Gamemakers.

The Seedings book is a great way to track your progress and find Games that appeal to you, all while helping you boost your rank.

Note: The Seedings for Seasons 1–3 were done by @CAKersey and can still be found on his profile. Seedings from previous seasons may also use old usernames that have since been changed.

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