music box

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Aya PoV

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Aya PoV

Me and yato just carried on walking like nothing happens.

"How do u know what he looks like" yato asked.

"He been following for a while" I said without looking at him I didn't want to make eye contact with him.

"Why did u come here" he asked I already told him this.

"I already told you" I said annoyed "I came here to help yukine that's all okay" I said and stopped.

Yatos PoV

We stopped but I didn't know why "why have we stopped" I asked

"Well I need to pick up some stuff from my house" she said normal wait she has a house and I don't that not fair.

she was about to walk into a building till she said "are you coming in" I was taken back by her asking me that because I didn't think she like me " I need help with some boxes" she said "oh okay" I said while following her inside , we had to go in the lift it was quite awkward.

as she was getting her keys out I was looking around and saw this old lady peeking out her door looking at me and aya and when I looked she quickly closed the door. How can she see me or maybe she was looking at aya why though. Aya opened the door to her apartment and there was just a bed , a desk with a computer on it and 1 box.

"wow you don't have a lot do you"

" I thought it would be better if I don't keep at lot just the thing what are dear to me"

that's a good logic I go and grab the box and notice something in it

"im just going to get stuff from the bathroom" aya said

"okay "

I quickly look in the box and a see a music box I remember when I got it fro her it was Christmas and she saw it in a shop.

"what do you think your doing" aya said

"um I was I was "

aya quickly snatched it out f my hand and put it back in the box.

" you kept it then "

I could see aya smiling at the music box

"yeah it was good time wasn't it "


"remember when kofuku went out and made nearly every guy fall in love with her " aya laughed

"yeah remember when bishoma got so drunk she nearly killed someone" I said

"yeah it was good times but it cant happen anymore" aya said  " get that box and lets go" aya said to me.

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