The Last Chance

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     "Dammit Andrew why did you have to do that" I said to myself.

I could not believe I had lost my temper like that.  Especially in my situation.  I'm not exactly known to make good decisions but this was the worst one yet.  I was sure that I would be spending the rest of my life in prison.  How could things get any worse I kept thinking that until I slowly drifted asleep.

      "Rise and shine, today is your last day you get to prove you are not guilty and so far things are not looking up for you " The lady said loudly.  I woke with a start and sighed when I remembered yesterday.  She left the room just as fast as she entered it.  I got out of the wretched cot I had been sleeping on and yawned.I changed into the stiff clothes that the staff provided for me.  I already knew today was going to be a long day. 

      I left the room to find the woman sitting at a table eating cereal.

      " Mind if I join you Miss......"

      " Mrs. Prescott " she interrupted.  "Sylvia Prescot."

      "Help yourself " she answered.  I usually wouldn't do this for the suspects but being perfectly honest I don't think you are responsible for the crime."  It made me feel a little bit better to know that at least one person was on my side.

      "What's in store for me today" I asked her

      "Well, we brought the man you mentioned before, Gary Watson and hes now being questioned.  In one hour you wil be brought back into the interrogation room and a different man will be questioning you." She said.

        "Ugghhhh not again" I said remembering how terrible it went last time I was interrogated.

       " You should probably get used to it, you are the main suspect in a murder"

       " Like I forgot" I said sarcastically.

       After breakfast she laid me into a different room than last time.  The inside looked exactly the same as the last one though. 

       "We decided that the last man that spoke to you was not a good match so you will talk to me again today" Sylvia said once we settled in the room.

         "No shit Sherlock" I mumbled under my breath.

         "That additude of yours isn't helping you" she said.  I just rolled my eyes and sighed.

        "Whatever" I replied in annoyance. 

        "Lets just start" she said taking out a list of questions.  Has Mr. Watson ever been violent in any way towards Mr. Matthews?

       " I have never seen him be particulary aggressive but he has always been an angry man especially towards my family.  He is independent and does not take help kindly, he is way to stubborn for that" I answered trying to remember as much as I could of the unkind neighbor.

       "I see" Sylvia said.  Has he ever been known to threaten people in any way?"

      "He has not threatened me personally but I wouldn't be surprised if he threated others.





Sorry about the wicked short chapter but I got really board and I needed to publish something and this was all I could think of. sorry for the typos because I know there are many.  Please comment, vote, and share with your friends! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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