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"Derek!" screamed Spencer in sweet agony "Faster!" he demanded impatiently, but I did not even flinch and continued thrusting into him slowly, making sure he felt my thick long dick moving inside his tight hole "Please!" he begged, almost crying at the sweet torture.
"No!" I growled, making sure he knew there was no changing my mind.
Like the good obedient lover he is, the only sound that left his mouth were moans of pleasure. I didn't like to behave like this on bed, I always made sure to obey every demand that fell out of my boyfriend's lips. He was so shy that he almost never asks for anything while we make love, but when he does I make sure it is the best so he would keep on asking for more.
However, this time it was different. Spencer didn't know what he wanted, no that was wrong... he didn't know what he needed. He didn't need me to go rough and fast on him, but slow and loving. He needed someone to make him remember that he is loved and wanted... that he didn't lose everything.
"Der!" he screamed, coming between our chests.
"Pretty boy!" I growled against his neck, coming deep inside of him. I couldn't keep keep myself in place any longer and fell on him, it was the fourth round and I wasn't counting the blowjobs. I grunted when I heard the knock on the door "It must be room service. I'll go".
"Are you really going to get the door like that?" asked an amused Spencer, pointing at my cum splashed nude form "Clean yourself and put some clothes at least. I am just as possessive of you as you are of me!" ordered me my cute boyfriend, pouting prettily.
"Yes sir!" I replied with a chuckle.
I took the wet cloth on the night table, a pair of sweats form the floor and covered Spencer's nude body with the sheets. Because as he had said, I am a possessive bastard.
When I was decent I opened the hotel room's door, but instead of a mortified service boy Rossi stood glaring furiously at me.
"I thought I've warned" was the only thing he said.
He didn't need to shout at all, his deadly calm voice was enough to send shivers through my spine.
"What is taking you so much, Der. I miss you!" whined my boyfriend from inside the room.
Whenever he was emotionally weak he didn't mind if people got a close glance at our relationship, he just needed reassurance and cuddles... lots of cuddles.
"Yeah, what is taking you so much Der?" mocked me Rossi with a furious glare.
"Look Rossi, the last thing that pretty boy... Spencer" I rapidly corrected myself when his glare got harsher "Needs right now is a fight".
"And you taking advantage of him is, you sick bastard?!" he demanded to know, his anger barely being contained.
"We've been dating for over half a year" I replied, voice low to not get Spencer's attention "So if you want to act like an overprotective father you are a little late for that".
His eyes opened for a few seconds in surprise, but then they returned to glare at me "We need to talk... the three of us".
"No" was my immediate response.
But a voice answered behind me "Ok" I turned around to find my boyfriend wearing my pants and t-shirt, arms crossed over his chest in a protective way "It's ok Der... I needed to face this sooner or later".
"But not only a few hours since it happened!" I protested, but it was in vain he had the same look he always has whenever he puts his mind into something and there was no way of making him change it "Speak!" I demanded angrily once we took a sit.
His glare, the one that had softened a bit when he looked at Spencer... his son (God! I'll never be comfortable at saying that. I thought), returned. But he calmed down with a deep breath, surely just because of pretty boy.
"My first wife... your mother Spencer" he said softly only to be interrupted by an angry pretty boy.
"My mother is Diana Reid!" he exclaimed "If I know one thing about my life right now is that Diana Reid is my mother and Derek my boyfriend".
"Pretty boy..." I murmured softly, wrapping an arm around him and pushing him against my side.

"Of course she is, at least in what really matters... but Caroline is still your mother by blood and she... she loved you with all her heart" David corrected himself quickly.
"Sorry" Spencer murmured ashamed at his outburst.
"We both loved you very much, since the moment we knew you were in your moth... Caroline's belly. So when we thought you didn't survive the night neither of us was able to handle it, we got divorced. Some weeks ago I received a phone call telling me that my ex-wife had died and she wanted me to have some things" I tightened my arms around my boyfriend when I noticed that he had tensed at Rossi's words.
"Between those things were some photos of our wedding, until that moment I've never noticed how similar you are of Caroline's father. Who am I kidding? I knew it from the moment I met you, you are practically a portrait of him. However, I didn't want to hope and then have my dreams of seeing my son being crushed in front of my eyes" I shivered a bit at the raw emotion on his voice, pretty boy was no better "I think that my sadness at the news of Caroline, being back at the Bureau and the loneliness I've been feeling these past few years finally exploded and pushed me to take a blood test".
"Why didn't you tell me?" Spencer murmured after a while of just being silent, gaze on the floor "How did you even get a sample of mine?!" this time his voice was louder and his tone harder. He had raised his gaze from the floor and was practically glaring at Rossi.
"I asked Garcia to send the DNA samples that the Bureau saves to the laboratory" the older agent answered with shame in his voice.
"That's illegal!" exclaimed a shocked Reid.
While I couldn't believe my ears "Baby doll knew about this and she didn't tell me?!"
"I was desperate Spencer, please understand that! My ex-wife had just died and I had the proof I needed to let myself hope that my son was alive. I needed to take the chance even if it only let me with a heartbroken, because if I didn't I would wonder for the rest of my life of the 'what if'. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to make things awkward between us if you didn't turn out to be my son".
"But why didn't you when you got the results?!" pretty boy wasn't going to let this slid easily, not that he had to. Things were really quite messed up.
"I was waiting for the right moment... but hearing that son of a bitch act as if he has any right on you when he stole you from me... when he abandoned you" I glared at Rossi when I felt my boyfriend flinch at the words of the older agent, but my glare softened when I noticed the look of regret in his eyes "I just couldn't keep the secret anymore".
"I can't be him" replied pretty boy, looking at the floor again.
My heart ached for him, I loathed hearing him so depressed and heartbroken. I just wanted to throw Rossi out and fuck my boyfriend into oblivion. However, a part of me knew that he had to go through this. That this needed to be resolved or things would never be fine again.
"Look Spencer, I am not looking for James Rossi. I know, even if it pains me, that he had died the night he was born" I growled at Rossi when pretty boy flinched again. My boyfriend hid his face on my neck and snuggled closer to me, as if he wanted to use me as a shield against the words of his fa... father "Oh, Spencer. I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that I want to get to know you, Spencer Reid, better. I want to earn the right to be called your father, not James Rossi's".
"What if I don't turn out to be what you wanted from a son?" the soft insecure question of my boyfriend made my heart ache for him.
"You already are what I want from a son" the answer of Rossi caught us by surprise.
Not that I was expecting him to reject Spencer, but he had never was a big fan of emotional moments. However, knowing now that he always suspected that pretty boy might be his son it makes sense why he always kept more distance with him in comparison with the rest of the team.
"What?!" squeaked a stunned Spencer, as if having fatherly love was impossible for him.
At that moment I never hated someone as much as I loathed Mr. Reid and Gideon. Not even Carl.
"You are kind, selfless, brave, beautiful" I couldn't stop myself from nodding like an idiot, gaining another overprotective glare from Rossi but the cute blush from Spencer was worth it "You are a genius! And even followed my footsteps, not that I wanted my son to do that! But I am so proud that my son is out there helping people, that he is the youngest agent in history of the F.B.I! What else can I ask for?"
Well... now Rossi is forgiven for how he has been acting earlier. The smile of relief on my boyfriend's face was everything that I wanted. But then he tensed again, which got me worrying.
"You... you don't mind that I am with a man, do you?" I stopped breathing once the question was asked.
It never occurred to me that he might not be comfortable at being... 'outside the closet', since he had been pan-sexual long before meeting me. Yet again he was raised by his mother who taught him that love was fluid, and now he meets with his father who was raised by a very religious family.
Spencer wasn't the only one waiting impatiently for an answer, I was as well. After all his blessing was important for pretty boy, even if he didn't want to admit it, so it was important for me too.
"Of course I don't!" he exclaimed, a bit hurt by his tone. Pretty boy and I couldn't help ourselves and sighed relieved "However, I don't like that you chose Morgan. He is your F.B.I partner and you could get into problems for fractalizing. Also, he is well known for being a womanizer" his words were like stabs into my heart "But... I am still no one to comment about your relationship. Even if you considered me your father, I still would have no right to criticize who you chose to spend your days with... Also, Morgan seems to care deeply about you and is very protective of you" Rossi said hesitantly, as if he hated to admit that I might be a good match for his precious son. And I guess it was "So you better take good care of my son, because if I find him shedding a single tear for you I will make sure that no one will find your body. And you know I can do it easily!" he threatened me.
I straightened, nodding my head like a good little soldier and gulped hard. I never imagined I would have the 'hurt my child and I'll hurt you' talk, especially one where I would feel intimidated. But like always Spencer is full of surprises. I nudged pretty boy's ribs when he chuckled at my nervous state.
"Spencer..." when Rossi began to talk again we both gave him our whole attention, we wanted to know what he will say next "Will you give me a chance?"
This time I was the one who tensed. I knew how sensitive the topic of father figures were to Spencer. Especially since he lost Gideon and since I also had lost a father, but the difference was that mine didn't chose to leave... twice.
"I... ok" he answered slowly and shyly.
That was another reason why I loved him so much. Spencer was the strongest and bravest person I had ever known.
"Thank you" replied Rossi, the unshed tears in his eyes shocked me.
I've never seen the older agent so vulnerable, I guess that children do that to you... and it is wonderful.
"What happened with Mr. Reid?" I asked after a while of comfortable silence, slipping back into my agent character. We were in a case after all and we needed to save as much children as we can.
"When you both left he sang as a bird, there was nothing else that kept him silent" answered Rossi darkly "It was his father...Riley's dad did it" he said in disgust "They both will go to prison".
"Mr. Jenkins? He used to drive me back from school every day until his son disappeared" said Spencer in a little voice.
My arms tightened around my boyfriend imagining what would have happened to him if Jenkins would have kept on driving him back from school.
"He can't hurt anyone now, pretty boy" I told him, cradling him against my chest "It is finally over" once those words left my mouth he collapsed against my chest and started crying in relief. I hugged him even tighter and promised myself that I will never let anyone hurt him ever again... not even me. I will protect the best thing that ever happened in my life with everything I've got. 

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