Family meetings (Christmas part 2)

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"That's our last bag" I announced putting it on the trolley and dodging Spencer's hand away when he tried to push it, I was going to take care of that. After all, my momma raised me to be a gentleman "Now we only need to hire a rent car" I frowned when I noticed that he began fidgeting nervously "If you are tired we can always take a taxi and then ask the hotel to rent one for us later."
"That's not the problem, Morgan..."
My frowned deepened at the mention of my last name. Ever since we had gotten together we had only called each other by our first names or pet names. If he was using my surname it must be serious. However, I swallowed my anxiety, refraining myself from asking, and waited patiently for him to be ready.
Soon enough he began speaking again "I... haven't been completely honest to you... or any in the team. Not that I've ever lied!" he clarified quickly "I just never talk about that part of my life. Hotch only knows because he is our boss and has a copy of our personal files" he started playing with the hem of his sweater, refusing to meet my gaze.
"Come on pretty boy, you are worrying me" I said after a while of waiting and knowing that he wouldn't continue on his own, at least not any time soon.
"Not here, we need a more private place" he replied and guided me outside the airport.
So, we will be taking a taxi then. I thought, and almost tripped when I saw where was my boyfriend walking to.
"Sir, it's good to have you back" a tall Asian man, but not taller than us, wearing a chauffer's uniform said politely with a small bow of his head "Did you bring any luggage this time?"
"Yes, my boyfriend has them at the moment" he replied and this time I couldn't suppress the surprise from my face. Pretty boy wasn't acting in his awkward adorable way anymore, complete the opposite really. He stood straight proud of himself and emanating power "Will you be kind enough of putting them on the trunk for us and then take us to the house?"
"Of course, sir" replied immediately the man and walked towards me, not before opening the door of a very nice white limousine "Sir" I covered my awkwardness at his polite bow at me with a charming smile, before heading to my boyfriend's side to demand some answers.
"It all began when my father left my mother and I to fend for ourselves" he began explaining as soon as I closed the door of the limousine behind me "We didn't have any money at all, and my mother didn't find jobs because of her... medical situation" I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and snuggled him against me, knowing how hard this topic was to him "So, I had to go out in job hunting. Which isn't as difficult as a lot of people think of... I ended up working in a hotel for a man... a man who looked at me as if I was a piece of meat...".
"Christ pretty boy!" I murmured shocked, my embrace tightening. My heart ached for this amazing person that has to go through so much, it was unfair that he has to suffer like that "Please tell me that... that he didn't...".
I survived what... Carl did to me. But if something like that ever happened to Spencer, even as little as almost happening... I wouldn't be able to keep on going.

"Relax, Der" he calmed me down with a soothing tone "He never got the chance to touch me... even if he wanted" he shook his head, as if trying to chase the bad memories away "He was a bad, really bad man. Drugs, sex trafficking, torture, kidnapping, mafia, that bastard was involve in all kinds of bad stuff" I blinked shocked by the crude language that Spencer used, he must really be angry cause he never curses "But I was able to find his Achilles heel, a lot of brilliant people that were on his team were only loyal because he had kidnapped their family. So, I started to work on it and was able to free all of them without the bastard noticing. The families grateful at my help decided to aid me to bring him down. At the end we had enough to exposed him but then I noticed that he had the police force of Las Vegas bought and in his pocket. So we had to take the matter into our own hands... did you know that he had already been married twice? His ex-wives and children all died in mysterious accidents, in our digging we discovered that he had sexually abused his step-children and then orchestrated their deaths when he got bored with them".

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