Where Am I?

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Hey guys! Long time no talk. Sorry if I got your hopes up that I published a new chapter of this story....because I didn't....I just wanted to address the amount of have comments on this chapter where you guys comment what you actually look like since I only described Tegan as a basic white girl (not that that is a bad thing) and I just wanted to say sorry. I absolutely hate this story and I was basically writing Tegan in here as me in this universe...Anyway, every time I read a fan fic where there's a character with an actual name, I put my name in its place. You guys should do the same. I also just change all the descriptions about said character to fit how I look and am. You can totally keep commenting because I love reading through all of your comments. But I just wanted to put it out there that this is soooooooooo poorly written and you guys should imagine yourselves how you look as Tegan. If that makes any sense. Okay love you and have a good day! :)

I couldn't see straight. I had to force my heavy eyelids open. But as soon as I did, I started to see little black dots appear in my vision.

Once I could focus more, I noticed that the sky was dark.

What time is it? Where am I? Why am I here?!

I looked around and noticed that, well, for 1.) I was in the middle a road and 2.) the only thing around me was the forest.

I tried to think about what the heck was going on but I couldn't think of anything.

Why can't I remember anything?

I went to stand up but I felt a strong pain in my ankle.

I gasped in pain and fell back on my butt.

Why did that hurt?! What the heck happened to me?!

Now I was beyond scared.

Why was I in the middle of a road surrounded by forest?

I couldn't recall a thing.

Suddenly, bright lights appeared in my vision. I went blind for a minute.

I covered my eyes to block out some of the light.

What is that?

Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I looked ahead.

I saw what looked like, a car? Wait. Why are the lights getting bigger and, and brighter?

Then I realized that they probably couldn't see me.

This is it. This is how it ends. This is how I die.

I braced myself for the impact.

I squeezed my eyes shut and covered my face. (As if that would protect me from getting hit by a car.)

I waited for a few seconds.


I slowly opened my eyes.

A blue jeep was right in front of me.

I saw one of the doors open and a dark silhouette appeared.

I wonder if they're here to finish me off. I wonder if they'll kill me.

When the shadow got closer, I realized that it was a boy. He looked to be about 16 or 17.

I couldn't really see his whole face because it was too dark.

I noticed his hair was soaking wet. As well as his clothes.

Teen Wolf  | Alpha [DISCONTINUED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя