Chapter 1- Reminiscence

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3rd POV

'This place looks familiar' you thought as your eyes glanced over the woods surrounding a familiarly luminous lake. 'I've been here before.. but when and where?'

You stare at the small water fall at the beginning of the lake until you hear something from behind you.

"It's really dark, Mommy! I can't see!" a faint timid voice says. You turn around to see a little girl wandering around a pond in the middle of the night alone. There were no lights other than the full moon that shined down on the pond the girl was near. However, you could hear a distant sound of soothing music, laughter, and glasses clinking together.

Turning towards the sound your expression softens as you say to yourself, 'She must be lost, poor thing.'

You went to speak to her but as soon as you began to turn around again, you heard a small yelp followed by a splash coming from the pond. Then, suddenly, everything started to darken. You blinked your eyes and looked up at the moon. It didn't look normal. It was as if you were hallucinating. The moon looked blue and wavy. You went to rub your eyes when you felt a restriction towards your sharp movements. You go to speak but bubbles replaced your words as they escaped your mouth. It all came to you now. You were underneath the waters surface.

"Mommy? Mommy!" was all you hear. The small, fragile voice echoing in your ears. The fear rung in your head and you were frightened dearly.

Soon you found more bubbles escaping your mouth as you realized you were trying to scream. You couldn't tell what you were saying. The only thing you knew was that you needed to get out. You were afraid, frightened, no TRAUMATIZED. The last thing you see is a stir of the water that held you underneath it's surface along with a small little hand reaching towards you before things go black.

1st POV

(Y/n)? (Y/n)!

I opened my eyes with a gasp as I shot right up. Just then, I feel a sharp pain in my head and I hold my head in my hands letting my elbows rest on top of my thighs.

'Ugh, that stupid nightmare again.' I think as I groan audibly and wipe the sweat off of my forehead. I then look up to see my mom looking at me with a concerned look on her face.

"The same one?" She asks knowingly.

"Yeah" I sighed. This nightmare has been reoccurring for a while. It's hard to get any sleep with the scene floating in my mind at night. It made me fear going to sleep.

My thoughts are broken when my mom speaks to me again.

"Well it's 6 o'clock now. If you want I could make breakfast while you get ready, how does that sound?" She asked with a warm smile.

"Wait there's no early morning lessons today, is there?" I asked.

Mom giggled. "Nope just normal classes starting at 7:50 like usual today."

I mentally whooped dreading having to wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning to have morning lessons from 6:45 to 7:45. They were overwhelmingly tiresome, dreadful. Just then I remember something.

My eyes widen and I shoot my head up from my hands and look at my mom excitedly. "Is it already today? The last day of school?!" I ask excitedly smiling, forgetting about the dream I was dreading a few minutes earlier.

Mom giggled again. "Yup! So go get ready. I know you've been planning this day's outfit for a while now." She said with a smile.

I fist pumped the air while whispering a low 'YES!' out of excitement. I then jumped out of bed, kissed my mom on the cheek, and headed to the restroom to get ready.

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