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tagged by MarshemellowDreams

1: what are your top three favorite characters in your anime history? // well Shiet. It's so hard to choose!
Uhm... I'd say Yona, Natsu, and Yato.

2: what is one of your favorite songs? if you can't answer that then top five? // I'm gonna use anime sound tracks here since I answered this with my typical answers last chapter.

1: 「Strike Back」Fairy Tail
2: 「Crossing Field」Sword Art Online s.1
3: 「I Will」Ao Haru Ride
4: 「Oukaranman」Kyoukai no Rinne
5: 「Genesis」Dimension W

3: do you prefer anime girls with short or long hair? // I really don't mind either. I love both

4: what kind of anime do you watch? // typically action/adventure and romance.

5: do you think this was a short poll? // compared to my last chapter... yes lmao

Tagging sempiternalhiraeth  Mkat1227 , konatalove  and LukeAndHisFanfics

Kelsey, 7/21/16, 8:15 am

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