
144 10 31

tagged by @momo_tora

yay more tags lmao

1: can you speak different languages?
//yes im fluent in sarcasm and fangirl

2: what's your favorite song?
//bruh, don't make me do this!!!
I'll just give some current songs
--Avalanche by BMTH
--Sing Me to Sleep by Alan Walker
--Heathens by Twenty One Pilots
--Nothing More by Yoe Mase
--So Alive by Goo Goo Dolls
--Killers On The Lose by B-Sides ft Nevve

3: what do you do in your free time?
//read, write, draw, watch YouTube/anime

4: what is your favorite saying?
//I reject your reality and substitute my own -Adam Savage

5:do you watch anime?
//do I even need to answer this??

6: do you like creepy pasta?
// I don't actively search for and read creepy pasta's but I like them, yes. I typically listen to horror stories narrated on YouTube. (Be. Busta, Corpse Husband, Lazy Masquerade, Urmaker)

7: what's your favorite dessert?
//oreos and anything with oreoes in it

8: who is your favorite actor/actress
// Chris Evans. He's such a sweetheart, my god. Him or Robert Downy Jr. He lives his role as Tony Stark and it kills me 😂

9: are you a sports person?
// Love me some baseball, American football, volleyball is my sport, and basketball is the sport I cheer for (and football cause marching band)
So basically, yeah I'm a casual fan lmao

10: what do you want to be when you grow up?
// an author. A best selling author. And the wifey to my crush hahahaha c:

11: android or iPhone?

12: what's your zodiac sign?
// Aries 😏🔥

There was also a thirteen facts thing but I already did that recently so imma end it here

kelsey, 7/19/16, 2:47pm

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