Quiero Olvidar

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Occasionally darling, I refuse to remember.

To accept, and forgive.

Always, my love, you are within me,

Yet I find myself swept away by the moments you are gone.

My sweet, you see, you have been forsaken.

Forced to pay retribution for sins,

That were not of you, but of me.

Occasionally darling, I make myself remember.

Sliding glass over darkness, fear found through your strength.

I force those walls so slowly built, down for you,

Seeing your face, just when I can bear it no longer.

As I was lifted from disgrace, so you were thrown below.

If each of us has a soul, darling you had mine.

For now, I will choose not to remember

How my presence was graced with your own,

From the moment you fell from the sky.

Bliss was painful then, and is in the recollection.

Your touch was a thousand burning suns, searing into my soul.

My Mateo, my savior, when your heart left this world,

Mine should have left as well.

My Darling, you force me to remember

But, Darling, you must be assured.

Your spirit is with me,

And in the times when the remembering rips my soul apart,

I must forget.

                                                                       Quiero Olvidar.

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