Ballad Of The Angry and The Lonely

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The angry man told the lonely "you're the reason behind the suffering"

The lonely man in a very few words "it's not on purpose, I'm just shy...

Not from people, from God the empowering"

The angry man replied "well, God is funny, so do I

Can't blame his majesty
The urgent necessity of proving
When it comes, one dare not disobey
Can't handle any kind of losing
I even dance over my dead prey

I hurt people but so do God
At least I'm honest but he's odd."

The lonely man replied wistfully
"I don't know
although, I think too much
I have nothing to show
I have no soul to touch
Welcome to my contradictional world
Where there's no implicit faith
Where the weather is always cold
Where the fear dwells in peace"

The angry man in an angry way
"you don't even know what to say
I don't care if you're sad
If your heart is good or if it's bad
If your head is buried deep in the clay
It's the price and you have to pay

You're your own obstacle
So cut off the source
You think you're smart
Well, You're NOT of course"

The lonely man while he's tingling
"Keep talking, keep burning
I'll be here tangled up in my lonesome whistle
There's no use in talking, get down your yearning
While the angry fire is eating your castle

The fire of your pleasure
The high castle of your pride
The myth of finding a treasure
Nothing in there to hide
When I'm lonely there's no curtain
it's harder when we're together
Loneliness is my guide
Anger is your burden
Fury is not the key to solitude's confusing tether

Calm down a little my friend
Take your ride
To the highway where there's no end
And the faster racers by your side

You've been fooled into thinking that you have to be chained to the sky

And if you can't chase your competitors, you'd better start to fly

Believe what you want, but be careful
If you fell down, you'll die

Both of us still having this god-forsaken fight

After all these years couldn't know it's which one's fault

The one who wanted to be always right, the one with the shakin' Heights

Or the one who's waiting to be called"

The lonely man was righteous
But he always had a tear to shed
He was ill with sorrow's virus
Still can't remember what all the lovers have said

The angry man was dauntless
And that's what life needs
Even though by being heartless
And the execution of all good deeds

It's hard to know who did win and who did lose?
And a dead heat is too much a-mystery to lead
Who should leave and who should be?
Who was even that started this stupid war?
Who is the key?
It doesn't matter anyway
When you can't find the door.

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