Tall, Dark and Handsome

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Tall, dark and handsome. That's me, not to boast or anything, but who can help the gossip? My name is Joshua Swift, I'm eighteen years old and I suppose I look a lot like my father. Jack Sparrow. Yes, you heard right. Jack Sparrow, the worst pirate to ever sail the seven seas, is my dad.

I walked jauntily along the pier, adjusting my hat as I did so. Nope, Nope, Nope...ah yes. My eyes alighted on a small row boat, tied to the jetty. I quickly squatted down to untie the rope. Clambering into the boat, I looked around to check that no-one was watching. Satisfied that they weren't, I cast off and started to row. After five minutes I checked my compass. Happy that I was going in the right direction, I rowed faster. Tortuga, here I come. What a brilliant island. Home to the drunk, the poor, and not forgetting, the pirates.


After a while, my boat alighted on the shore of the island. I stepped out, leaving the boat where it was. Pulling my hat low over my eyes, I proceeded to the nearest tavern. I intended to sign up to a crew and do a bit of pirating. I had spent nearly all my money from the last 'voyage' in a couple of days and needed some loot.

Digging one of the last coins out of my boot, I strode over to the nearest bar and ordered a bottle of rum. I drank slowly, casting my eyes around for anyone who looked like they were recruiting. The tavern was busy and dimly lit. Fights were breaking out all over the place, but that was normal. It was hard to hear myself think over the screaming, yelling and singing, so instead I took a few minutes to take in the atmosphere. I had missed this place. I was about to get up and walk over to a likely looking group of sailors but I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to find a large woman in a very revealing dress batting her eyelids at me. She grabbed me round the waist, breathing heavily. It's very rare that I'm sober, but I was definately not that  drunk yet. I pushed her away in disgust, despite her protests, and once again tried to make my way towards the group of sailors.

Suddenly a hand grasped my arm and a voice called out, 'Hey, Jack, Jack Sparrow'. I span around angrily to find a young man, probably a couple of years older than me, with long brown hair tied back in a black ribbon. Next to him stood a young woman with long blond hair. Smirking, I gave her an appraising look and she glared haughtily back at me. I faced the man again and growled, 'I'm not Sparrow'.

'My apologies' he said, releasing my arm. 'You look very similar'.

'So people say', I muttered darkly, moving away once again.

'Jack Sparrow' the voice called once again.

'I'm not Sparrow', I yelled, turning furiously towards the man, but he wasn't talking to me. He was looking over my shoulder and talking to someone behind me. I heard the reply; 'Aye, savy', and looked over my shoulder.

In front of me stood a tall, tanned man with long dark hair.

'You' I spat venomously, drawing my sword. He mirrored my movements, realisation dawning in his eyes. I smiled villianously.

'Hello father'


AN: so please comment and tell me what you think. Do you want me to continue?

Fan/comment/vote :)

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