Take A Chance On Me

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Chapter 31
(1 week later)
Rachels pov:
I stood in time square happy as could be. This was it , I was in New York City where I belong. I smiled and looked around at all the Broadway posters feeling at home.

"I can't believe we're here!" Kurt squealed

"Me neither." I said excitedly.

"Alright everyone lets go!" Mr.Shue said and we went to the hotel.

(The hotel)
I was on my way to the elevator heading to the room when Finn said,

"Here let me help you." He said.

"Oh thank you." I said and he held the suitcase sorta holding my hand as we got to the elevator.

"So how are you and Puck?" He asked me .

"Well actually I told him it be better if we were just friends for now. Ya know with Nationals and writing 2 songs in 3 days I need to put all my energy in that."I told him.

"Right , I agree." He said.

"What about Quinn? How's she holding up?" I asked him.

"Well , she hates my guts and won't talk to me. What about you?" He asked me.

"Um we haven't actually talked since prom. I mean we're okay but it's not the same as it use to be." I told him.

"Oh." He said.

The elevator door opened at we walked out to my room.

"Well this is my room." I said.

"Right." He said.

I was about to go in when I turned to him and said,

"Finn, why did you break up with Quinn?" I asked him.

He smiled slightly and said,

"I don't think I need to answer that." He told me.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because you already know the answer." He said and went to his room.

Finns pov :
I was in the guys room and we were all trying to write a song when Puck finally said,

"Can we all just talk about the bog Jewish Elephant in the room? Whats going on between you and Berry man?" He asked me.

"Excuse you?" I said.

"Come on man we know the real reason you dumped Quinn, for Rachel." He said.

"We should get back to writing ." I said.

"Oh come on Finny boy. Text her ask her out to dinner." He told me.

"I thought you liked her." I said.

"Lets just say Rachel and I are better as friends. Plus , who could be stupid enough to come in between Finchel?" He asked me.

I smirked and said,

"Okay I'll text her but I need a plan." I said.

"Okay boys gather around." He said and we started thinking.

Rachels pov :
I was at the desk trying to write a song while the girls and Kurt were having a pillow fight when suddenly I got a text from Finn.

"Meet me in Central Park at 5 o'clock, dress fancy." He texted me.

I smiled at my phone and got up and started to get ready.

(Central Park )
I arrived at the bridge at Central Park to see Finn standing there in a suit and tie holding my favorite flowers , daisys.

"Hi." I said .

"Hi." He said smiled.

"So I have to ask , what are we doing here?" I asked him.

"Well I figured maybe we could use a little break." He told me.

"Come on the suit and tie , the flowers, Central Park. You expect me to believe nothinga really going on here?" I asked him.

He smirked and said,

"Lets just think of it as a work date all business no play." He said.

"Okay , where too?" I asked him.

"Come on, I'll show you." He said and he took my hand .

Finns pov :
We were in Sardi's a restaurant in which I knew Rachel would love because all of the famous Broadway stars come here . Rachel smiled and said,

"Thank you so much Finn I can't believe I'm here just think who could've sat here. Liza Minelli , Barbra Striestand, Judy Garland, Patti.... oh my god. Finn it's Patti LuPone." She whispered excitingly.

"What are you waiting for go say hi." I told her.

"What I can't shes a legend. But then again Kurt would kill me if I didn't." She told me.

"Look here she comes nows your chance." I told her .

Suddenly Rachel smilled and got up,

"Excuse me Ms.LuPone?" She said getting Patti's attention.

"Yes?" She said.

"Hi my name is Rachel Berry I'm here with my glee club because we're performing at Nationals. I just wanted to say I'm a huge , huge fan and I think your work is absolutely amazing." She told her.

Patti smiled and said,

"I remember being in glee club in highschool best four years of my life. I wish you luck Ms.Berry and I hope your dreams come true. " She was about to leave when she saw me and said, "Who is this you're with?" She asked her talking about me.

"Oh this is my friend Finn." She told her.

"Well he's very cute ." She whispered and walked away.

"Oh my gosh!" Rachel squealed smiling as she sat back down.

(After dinner)
"Gosh I had so much fun tonight I feel as if we're in a romantic comedy. All we need now is one of those beautiful street singers to seranade us." She said and suddenly Puck, Artie , Sam, and Mike came out and started to sing:

Oh this is the night
its a beautiful night
and we call it Bella Notte
look at the skies
they have stars in their eyes
on this lovely Bella Notte
(Walking down the street with Rachel holding Finn with her head on his shoulder)
Side by side
with your loved one
you'll find enchantment here
the night will weave its magic spell
when the one you love is near
(Back with Finn and Rachel)

"Wait this is the moment in the movie where I kiss you. " I said

"I thought this was just a work date." She said.

I smirked and said,


(Back to song)
Oh, this is the night
and the heavens are right
on this lovely Bella Notte
(Finn and Rachel stare into eachothers eyes)
(Back with Finchel)

"Take a chance on me." I begged her leaning closer.

"I'm sorry , I can't." She said and ran away.

(Continuing to the end)
We were about
This is the night
its a beautiful night
and we call it Bella Notte
look at the skies
they have stars in their eyes
on this lovely Bella Notte

Side by side
with you're loved one
you'll find enchantment here
the night will weave its magic spell
when the one you love is near

Oh, this is the night
and the heavens are right
on this lovely Bella Notte
(End of song)

Hey guys so I wanted to let you know that my new book Piece by Piece is now out on my page and also I am thinking about doing a 3rd book to this series so comment your thoughts below.

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