Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 (Jett's POV)

      It's her! It's the girl I saw last night! I stared at her as she stood up to Wesley. She looked confident and beautiful. Just like last night. I stared at her for a few seconds. "You're real," I whispered. She took a couple steps towards me, but I didn't want to talk to her. I turned and fast walked down the hallway, turning into the boys' bathroom at the last second.

    I turned on the sick and splashed water up into my face. What's wrong with me? It's just a girl, for goodness sake! Get a grip, Anderson! I rubbed my eyes. My back stung like crazy, but I'm used to the pain by now. I usually get beat two times a week, sometimes three when Dad's in a really bad mood. He always finds a way to beat either Mom or I, unless it's a Sunday. Yeah, Dad's religious, and spends his whole Sunday in Church.

    I walked out of the bathroom just as the warning bell rang. I cursed and hurried off to my first class, unfortunately, Geometry. I didn't see the girl until fourth period. I walked into English, talking with my best friend, Sam, and saw her laughing with her nerd friend she just made. Sam's eyes wandered over to her. They widened. "Holy shit, man," he hissed. "Who the hell is that?"

     I looked back over to her. "I don't know," I said. "She's new." Sam smirked and walked up to her, using his swagger. I could hear him from here. "Hi," he said seductively. "I'm Sam. Who're you?" She blushed adorably. "I'm Holly," she said quietly. "Nice to meet you." She has manners? She broke into my house last night! How can a burglar have manners? Ah, so they hide the fact they're a thief.

   Sam pushed her hair behind her ear and whispered something to her. Her blush brightened and I almost growled. What the heck is wrong with me? Me, Jett, jealous? Pfft, no I'm not. Never. Sam smirked and stood up, taking her hand an kissing her knuckles. "Want to sit by me at lunch?" he asked.

   Holly glanced at her nerd friend and shook her head firmly. Sam's smile faded a little. "You can bring your nerd," he sighed. Holly looked mad for a second. "No!" she said loudly. "Now, apologize!" I chuckled. Schooled; by a girl. Sam glared at her, his attraction stopping now. "No, princess," he said angrily. "I'm not saying sorry." She stood up, seeming to get red in the face, and not from embarrassment. "I said, say sorry," she growled lowly.

   Sam took a step back. Whoa, scary. She's scary when she's mad! "Sorry," he muttered. Holly smiled, going back to her usual cheery self. "Thank you," she said, sitting back down. Sam took a breath, looking at her weirdly. He walked back over to me. "Bipolar," he said lowly. Holly's head snapped to us as if she heard what he said. Her eyes narrowed.

   "Sorry!" Sam said quickly. I laughed under my breath. Holly's gaze slid to me and softened a little. I stopped moving and just stared at her. "Oh, man," Sam said. "She's hypnotized Jett." I tore my gaze from hers and rolled my eyes at him. He leaned closer to me and whispered really low, "What was that, man?" I shrugged. "She's hot," I said.

   I glanced at Holly and saw her look at her hands, no blush evident. I felt my mood dampen. She's only interested in Sam. I turned to my seat and plopped myself down in it, crossing my arms. She doesn't like me. She probably never did. Where did she even come from? Why is she here?

   Wait- why am I even getting worked up about it? I don't even know her; I barely even know her name! Who cares what she thinks! She broke into my house last night! I should want to go to the police! But.. I don't. I want to get to know her, but then again, I don't. What if she's in a gang and broke into my house to kill me? What if she's a murderer and was in my room last night to kill me?

  I glanced over at her as the teacher started the lecture. She looks like a girly girl and acts like a fluffy bunny, unless you make her mad. I sighed, looking down at my worksheet. The numbers looked like someone threw them up and wrote them down. I groaned, banging my head on my desk.

   "Mr. Anderson?" I looked up to see Mr. Morrison looking at me in amusement. "Yes?" I asked. He pointed to the board. "Do you know the answer?" he asked. I looked at the whiteboard. The numbers jumped out at me and swam, seeming to taunt me. I groaned. "No," I said lowly. "I don't-" I was cut off. "Seven!" Holly shouted, then instantly blushed. "I'm sorry, I just knew it and I really, really wanted to say it," she said. "I'm sorry, Mr. Morrison."

   He chuckled, raising his eyebrows in surprise. "Good job, Ms. Saxon," he said. "Do you know this one?" I didn't even look up. "Eleven," Holly said. "The next ones are: Two, nine, six, and.. fourteen?" I looked up in utter surprise. Mr. Morrison looked like he had no idea what to say. "Um, great, Ms. Saxon," he said. "Moving on.."

  I looked over at Sam. He was mouthing at me, 'That's hot.' I rolled my eyes. The bell rang and I sprang from my seat, wanting to get out of there as quick as I could. But I wasn't that lucky. "Mr. Anderson, stay after class," Mr. Morrison said. I groaned. "See you at lunch, man," Sam said. I glared at him. He laughed and skipped out of the room. 

   I walked up to Mr. Morrison's desk slowly. He looked over my shoulder. I did, too, and saw Holly still at her desk, head down, hands at her temples. "Ms. Saxon?" Mr. Morrison asked. "Is everything okay?" She didn't even acknowledge him. I turned fully around, getting ready to go to her side. "Ms. Saxon?" Mr. Morrison asked, a bit louder. Holly's face contorted into one of absolute pain.

   Her hands fell away from her head and she moaned. "Ow," she whispered, pressing into her head, hard. It looked like her fingers were going to pass through her skin. She pressed harder. "Ow!" she shouted. She stood up, slamming the chair on the floor. "Ow!" she screamed, shoving her desk forward. It made a loud bang and I jumped a bit. "Ms. Saxon!" Mr. Morrison shouted. "Stop that!"

    She looked up. Her normally green eyes were red. We both took a step back. "Get away from me!" she shouted. "Stay the hell away from me!" She stormed her way out of the room, shoving the door away from her. I heard a crack, and realized she broke the little window in the door. Holy shit. "What's wrong with her?" Mr. Morrison asked me. I shrugged. "I don't know," I told him.

    We followed Holly out the door and saw her on the floor with her head in her hands. As we neared her, we heard her saying over and over, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." Mr. Morrison put his hand on her shoulder. Her head sprang up and she hissed. Mr. Morrison took his hand away quickly. "Jesus," he said. "What the hell is the matter?" Her red eyes had gone. All that was left was an outer ring of red.

   Holly stiffened, her eyes glazing over. She started her sorry chant again. This time, I took a step towards her. "Holly." She looked up at me. "Do you believe in Santa?" she asked. What the heck? How out of the blue! Of course I don't! Who does?

   As I stared into her eyes, I realized, she does. She believes in Santa. As much as I wanted to laughing in her face and walk away, I said this instead: "Of course I do, Holly." Her face instantly fell and she got up. "Liar," she said quietly. Her red eyes returned. Her voice turned deep and I took a few steps back as she said, "Liar! Don't lie to me!"

  I put my hands out as she stood up. "Okay!" I shouted. "Okay. Santa's for little kids. He's not real!" Holly stared at me, then ran down the hall into the bathroom. "What the heck was that?" Mr. Morrison asked me. I shrugged. "New people problems?" I said. He looked skeptical, but nodded.


O.O ....creepy. Holly's craaazyyy! ill explain it in the next chapter okay? shes not really crazy its just.. well, read the next chapter to find out :) hehe tell me what you think and dont forget to comment and vote! 


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