Chapter 5 Part 1

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Chapter 5 Part 1 (Holly's POV)

       I rubbed my temples as Hanna picked her bag up and looked down at me. It's been bothering me all day, I've just been trying to ignore it. Hanna put her hand on my shoulder, and I almost growled. "Are you alright, Holly?" she asked me. I nodded, massaging my temples. Hanna left the room, and I pressed harder.

     "Ms. Saxon?" I heard Mr. Morrison call. "Is everything okay?" I didn't look up. The pain was too intense. "Ms. Saxon?" Mr. Morrison asked, a bit louder. How dare he? How dare he raise his voice at me! The pain was too intense I couldn't even put my hands on my head anymore. I plopped them to the desk, squirming with pain. "Ow," I moaned, gripping my thighs so I wouldn't rip my hair out.

    A moment later, though, I put my hands back on my head, pressing hard. "Ow!" I shouted. I stood up, not in control anymore, and my chair slammed back onto the floor. "Ow!" I screamed, clutching my head. I shoved the desk forward and it fell with a loud bang. "Ms. Saxon!" Mr. Morrison shouted. "Stop that!" 

    I looked up and saw two people. Mr. Morrison and Jett. Why's he still here? They both took a step away from me, making me madder. It's their fault I'm like this. "Get away from me!" I shouted. "Stay the hell away from me!" I ran to the door, slamming it open and breaking the glass. I kicked the wall, making a little crack go to the ceiling. 

   Just as I was about to rip the water fountain out of the wall, I realized what I'm doing. I'm wrecking things. In school. I slid to the floor and held my head. The pain was still there, but it was bearable, because no one was around. But those two stupid people came back around. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn't think, just reacted. My head whipped up and I hissed. 

   His hand drew away quickly. "Jesus," he muttered. "What the hell is the matter?" Oh, no. Great, now I'm harassing the teacher. On my first day, too. Oh, just wonderful. "Holly." I looked up into the beautiful eyes of Jett, but even that didn't take the pain away. "Do you believe in Santa?" I asked seriously. 

   He looked at me like I was a complete idiot. I bet he was about a second away from walking away. "Of course I do, Holly," he said softly. I grimaced and stood up. "Liar," I said quietly. "Liar!" I screamed, my voice deep. "Don't lie to me!"  He stood up, his hands out. "Okay!" he shouted. "Okay. Santa's for little kids. He's not real!" I stared at him for a long moment, before bolting down the hallway to the bathroom.

   It wasn't until I got in until I realized I didn't have my backpack. I sighed, sitting on a toilet and putting my head in my hands. I bet you're wondering why I basically just went on a rampage. You really want to know? I guess I should tell you... Nah. Okay! Okay. I'm just kidding. I'll tell you.

   It's just that.. well, being around so many people the don't believe in Santa really get to me. I mean, he's my Dad, and I really don't like it when they think he's not real. If there was at least one person who thought Santa was real, I would've been okay. But a whole school-full of non-believers? So not my type of environment. I guess because I have to help Jett, I have to get used to people thinking my Daddy is a lie.

   It would've been okay if they didn't like Christmas just for presents. That's just rude. Christmas is a time for giving, not getting. Sure, you get things, but don't you like giving better? Seeing the faces of the people you give things to when they open it? I do. It just makes my day.

    I splashed my face with water and left the bathroom. I took a deep breath and walked down the hallway, ignoring all the curios looks from everyone. I missed lunch, becasue of it. Oh, well. I'll just go back to the bathroom and eat it. I went back to Mr. Morrison's room and smile sheepishly at him. "Are you alright, Ms. Saxon?" he asked, looking at me like I was an alien. I tried for a fake smile and said, "Yeah. Don't worry about me. It's a medical condition."

  He nodded slowly, not buying it. "If you say so, Ms. Saxon," he said. I grabbed my bag and fled from his room, going to Science.


    At the end of the day, I walked outside to find Aunt Connie waiting for me. "Hey, Con," I said. "I thought you were going to pick me up from the library?" She laughed and shook her head. "Hun, I want to get to know you. C'mon, let's go to the mall," she said. I hopped in the passenger's side and hooked.

    "Where's the mall?" I asked. Aunt Connie laughed, shaking her head. "Just let me drive us there," she said. It took about five minutes to drive there and, as soon as we pulled up, Aunt Connie jumped out of the car with a huge smile on her face. "We're going to have so much fun!" 


   SORRY!! I'm late! My computer crashed and I couldn't get it up until now. SHORT!! I know! I'll make the next one longer, I promise!


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