Chapter 25.

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Chapter 25.




*Winter’s thoughts/pov*

I refuse to leave. I refuse to get out of this room and live my life like I usually would. What’s there to look forward to? Being bullied? My parents being away causing Harry to keep me in his home? My best friend being dead? Exactly. There’s nothing to look forward to.  Technically, if I want to be dramatic, there’s nothing to live for.

Would you, Winter Davis, like to accompany me on such an evening?” Marcel’s previous words played in my head and I tried to swallow the growing lump in my throat. I refuse to believe that he’s dead. Not until I see his corpse myself. That sounds stupid but I don’t care. My best and only friend is gone and there’s nothing I can do about it.

Before I knew it tears were falling out of my eyes and I sighed. I’m sick of crying. I’m sick of feeling like this. I’m sick of my life always being shit and I’m so sick of the world being against me all the time. The universe is probably against me. It isn’t fair.

“Winter?” I wiped my tears and Harry smiled lightly. “Be ready and downstairs in half an hour. Back to school we go!” He put a smile on his face and walked out the door. You see, Harry puts on this facade thinking everyone believes he’s fine when everyone knows he’s feeling the same as them, if not worse. I guess he’s just finding another way around it instead of moping and crying all day like I have been.

I groaned as I got out of bed, walking over to my bag and grabbing out some clothes for today. And before you start complaining and say ‘Oh I thought you hated Harry! Now you’re living with him! You’re a liar!’ Blah, blah, blah. Trust me, I didn’t do this willingly. But for some reason I’m kind of glad it did happen. And don’t judge before I give you my reasons.

You see, at home I’d be alone. I probably wouldn’t be going to school, I’d be crying every day and I’d probably end up doing things I’ll regret. Plus my home is the last place I saw Marcel, I don’t think I want to spend every day there while I’m trying to calm myself down from this whole thing. Being here, I- for some reason- feel like I’m not alone. There are other people feeling the exact same way I’m feeling, probably even worse. Sure, one of them is Harry but for now it’s all I got. Cut me some slack.

So for the time being I’ve decided to try and put my hatred aside. I thought it would be so much harder but Harry looks exactly like Marcel. Well, a badass version of him that is. So I guess I should be grateful that I at least, in some sick twisted way, have another version of Marcel.

I should just stop thinking. I’m delusional, tired and broken.

“You ready yet?” Harry’s head popped through the door and I tied up my other shoe.


“Okay, I’ll be in the car waiting.”

*Louis’ thoughts/pov*

I’ve decided to dress differently today. Well it’s not that different to me but it is to the people around me.. They’ve only ever seen me in dark clothes and boots, not rolled up jeans and vans as well as wearing glasses. I’ve decided that I’m not gonna go back to wearing the stripy shirts and red pants because truthfully, I’ve matured since then. I think that they should be the two things I leave behind in the past. To be honest, I don’t really mind wearing the dark clothes. I just might change up my wardrobe, throw in a few different coloured shirts here and there.

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