Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The TARDIS was shaking violently and sparks were flying from the console, I didn't have a clue where the demon set the TARDIS to go but wherever it was, it certainly didn't like it. "What the hell is going on?" I heard a voice shouting from behind the console. My body moved to look around the console and I saw The Doctor stumbling up some steps, struggling to stay balanced. "You can't save her Doctor." The demon growled, using my voice as a tool to taunt him. The Doctor stumbled towards me and attempted to touch the controls to stop the aggressive tremors taking place in the TARDIS, the demon used my arm to strike The Doctor, he fell against the console, knocking some switches before falling the floor. "NO!!" I screamed inside my head. I could feel the rage of the demon growing tremendously as my head turned to the screen to see that the switches The Doctor hit on the way down caused the TARDIS to change its course. Suddenly the tremors stopped, we must've landed.

My body turned to the doors and began walking to them. I was fighting so hard to regain control, I reached the doors and the demon used my arms to swing them open and step out. "Stupid Time Lord." The demon hissed, continuing to walk. I had no idea where we were, it looks like it was inside the base of a volcano, there was lava and fire everywhere, The ground was a mix between black and brown stone that crunched with each step I took. My body stopped and turned to look back at the TARDIS. "I guess here will have to do." I heard the demon grunt in frustration. What did it mean? I saw The Doctor in the TARDIS trying to climb to his feet, I was distraught over the fact that The Doctor had gotten hurt, I hated this demon with everything inside my heart for what it's done. I was fighting with everything I had to regain control, I was not going to let this monster win, my body suddenly fell to floor and the demon emitted an ear piercing scream.

I managed to take back control of my body and I could move again, but not for long. I was on my knees with my head in my hands, it felt as if it were about to crack open, I was screaming in agony. I could feel the demon working its way through my body, it was about to take physical form, oh god, was this it for me?

"No..." I heard a strained voice say. I raise my head up to see The Doctor standing in the doorway of the TARDIS, "don't let it win." He said, again with a strained voice. My body jerks upright, bones cracking in my back as the transformation began. I looked down at my hands to see my fingers were already changing, they became long and boney, my fingernails turning into talons. The Doctor stumbled forward towards me, I must of hit him really hard if he can still hardly stand. "I'm not going to let it take you..." He strained. He reached out to touch me but was thrown back by raging black flames that arose from the ground, encircling me as to not let the transformation be disrupted.

I was paralysed with terror. " me." I pleaded, hoping he'd have a way to save my soul from this darkness. The Doctor eventually regained his composure, knowing he needed to do something, but what? What could he possibly do that could stop this?

My right eye turned Crimson, blood began to flow like tears from it. My skin began to lose saturation as it turned black as night, becoming a rough leather feeling as it transformed. I was losing this fight despite trying my hardest to keep strong, the demon is going to take its form and it's going to kill The Doctor and there wasn't a single thing I could about it! My spirit was breaking and the hope was draining from me as the demons rage was taking its place. "Jessie." The Doctor said just as I was about to give up, "Remember when we first met?" He asked. Of course I remember, how could I forget? "Well I think it's time you know whose ship it was that crashed." He continued. What was he talking about? Was now really the time? I began screaming again as I felt something in my back begin to push its way out of my skin. "The thing in the ship, it was from the future, back when we first met your future without me in it had already been determined and in that future this demon had taken over you and began destroying everything in its path." He explained. What did he mean? That in a parallel world where we never met this demon destroyed everything? "The thing in the ship, it was you." He said, "but you were human and you were dying, you explained to me that I had to take you away from Earth and to an isolated place so if the demon took over you wouldn't be able to hurt anyone. You told me about your past too, how you have lost things, how you've seen things, how you almost took yourself to the grave because of your intense loneliness and sadness." He explained in a saddened voice, just as he finished talking he flinched as a big, black wing cracked through the skin on my back, ripping through my clothes.

The Doctor gulped, I could see the pain and fear in his eyes. "I took you with me because I knew you were like me, alone and needing a friend, you had a darkness inside of you that made you cold but you always fought against it, you stayed kind even when you felt angry." The Doctor said as he walked toward me, "I know you can beat this demon, you're stronger than this." He continued on as he got closer to the black flames. "No....stay back, I don't want to hurt you." I said in a pained, husky voice. "Remember when we lay on the beach watching a star being born?" He asked while crouching down to be level with eyes. My mind was racing through all the darkness from my past, every scar, every trauma I've witnessed and experienced, they were all going through my mind and feeding this beast inside of me. "Hey, it's okay, I can see you're suffering, nobody should have to suffer and they definitely shouldn't have to suffer alone. Listen to me though, you are not this monster, you are a brilliant young woman who has managed to touch both hearts of a one thousand year old Time Lord! You are absolutely brilliant and you, you are my best friend and I simply refuse to allow this selfish creature to take you away from me" He said while looking deep into my eyes.

The transformation had seemed to have paused, The Doctor's words had sparked something in my heart. I felt a fire start inside of me and I realised that if I didn't seize this opportunity I would end up losing myself to this horrific demon. Was I strong enough to beat this thing? Could I really take on the ultimate demon to save myself and The Doctor? I guess we'll see. 

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