Chapter 8

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The entire library was covered in a sheet of darkness. My heart was in my throat with fear. Did it touch me? I'm still alive so that's a good sign. Suddenly all the lights came on, the Angel was gone and The Doctor came running back into the hall, "Jessie!!" He yelled as he ran to me, "are you okay? Where's the Angel?" He questioned me. "I-I don't know, I heard a voice and then my flashlight shut off." I stuttered. "Jessie, listen to me, what happened, tell me in exact detail." The Doctor said as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "Well when you left I heard a voice whispering and then the Angel started smiling, my flashlight went out and then the next thing I know the lights had come on and the Angel and voice were gone." I explained to him as I got my bearings. The Doctor pulled out his Screwdriver and started to scan the area, the screwdriver making a buzzing noise as it scanned. "The exit!" The Doctor yelled before he ran to the entrance of the library with me following quickly behind.

There it was, the Angel, it was pressing it's stone hands against the doors of the entrance. "What's it doing?" I asked The Doctor, "it looks like it's trying to escape, but why?" The Doctor said while walking closer to the Angel. "Why would it try to escape when it had a meal right in front of it." He was muttering to himself as he walked around the Angel. "Jess, I have a theory, go and stand next to the Angel, I'm going to turn the lights out but only for a moment." He said while signalling to me where to stand. "Are you crazy?" I asked astonished at what I just heard. "Possibly." He smirked. I grit my teeth as I stood next to the Angel, almost inches from it and The Doctor headed for the light switches not far from where me and the Angel were. Fear again started taking hold of me, "Doctor? Are you sure about this?" I hesitantly ask while looking at the Angel. The Doctor was silent for a moment before finally muttering, "no." And switching off the lights.

The lights came back on seconds later and to both of our surprise the Angel was further away from me, "Just as thought." I heard The Doctor mutter to himself. "What's it doing? Why is it moving away?" I ask while stepping back to The Doctor. "It's afraid." He responded, "a Weeping Angel is afraid and trying to run away." He continued. "Isn't that a good thing?" I asked as I walked to the Angel again. "Yes of course-" he paused "-but the real question is, what's it afraid of?" He continued. "Jessie, where was that voice coming from?" The Doctor asked as he walked to me and the Angel. "Oh it was, I don't know, it was like it was everywhere." I say as I think back to the moment I heard it. I told The Doctor about how he was there with me when I first heard it, he scratched his head and looked around the hall while I continued looking at the Angel.

The Doctor broke the short moment of silence by saying that it's no longer important about watching the Angel. "Whatever it was, the Angel is definitely too scared to stick around." He told me as he turned to walk back to the area that I previously stood in with the Angel before my flashlight went out. "Well...isn't it dangerous to just leave it? I mean what if it touches other people?" I yell to him. He didn't respond, typical Doctor. I turned my back on the Angel and then quickly doubled back to see it had vanished again, "well, that's one problem sorted, I think." I mumble to myself before turning back to run and catch up with The Doctor. When I caught up with him I went to ask him where the Angel would go now but he just glanced at me and carried on searching the area, scanning the spot where the Angel stood with his screwdriver. I could see he was deep in thought just by looking at him.

He got down and started to sniff the floor, not the weirdest thing I've seen him do but it's definitely strange. He jumped back up and asked, "the Angel, you said it smiled at you, why did it do that?". I leaned against a nearby table and folded my arms, "I don't know, I heard a voice whispering the words 'kill.' And then the Angel started to smile, then I heard the voice whisper 'you must kill it.' And then the flashlight went out, the lights came on and the Angel was gone." I explained, The Doctor upon hearing what I had to say walked up to me. "What did the voice sound like?" He asked. "It was a whisper, like a deep voice in the darkness was calling out." I respond. The Doctor paced back and forth, "I'm missing something, something obvious." He muttered to himself. "The Angel, why was it afraid of YOU in particular, it was behind you and was ready to touch you until I started to look at it, then this voice starts whispering and once you hear that voice the Angel gets scared and tries to run. Why?" He rambled while pacing and gesturing his hands.

The Doctor clicked his fingers and pointed at me, "you, the thing inside you, you said the seal started burning earlier, maybe the Angel could sense it and knew that that thing was far more powerful than itself and then had the primal sense to run." The Doctor explained, pausing a brief moment to look around, "The voice, only you could hear it, maybe it's that thing inside you trying to branch a connection, trying to get through and communicate with you, the Angel must have heard or sensed it and thought that voice was talking about you and not to you, since that voice has only started talking now it's obviously a new connection, a bit hazy therefore difficult to locate which is why you thought you heard the voice all around you, The Angel must have heard it too, possibly telepathically and then started to smile because it knew that there was something far worse than itself waiting for you, then when the voice demanded that you kill it, 'it.' Being the Angel, the Angel realised the reality of the situation and how if it stayed it would become prey to a far greater hunter than itself and it knew the only logical thing to do was to run" The Doctor rambled on while dancing around the room waving his hands around with each word, he looked like he was having a little big too much fun. He was a very animated man when he went on one of his rants.

I stood up and grabbed his arm, "I know you've just figured out the situation but could you try to be a little less happy about the fact there's a demon inside of me that's capable of scaring away Weeping Angels." I say sternly. "And what do you mean by 'a far greater evil.' waiting for me? I thought this seal was keeping it at bay? If it can reach out and talk to me then what if it can do more than just talk?" I said in a concerned voice tightening my grip on The Doctors arm. "I mean the Angel has no way of knowing you are protected by a seal, it must have thought you were just a victim to its power" The Doctor explained trying to reassure me but not realising he's contradicted himself since earlier he said the Angel must have sensed the seal, he then apologised for being overly excited about the situation. "Anyway, that's us done, the Angel is gone and I've got what I need, so let's head back to the TARDIS." He said as he put his arm around me. "Got what you need?" I inquired. He looked at me and smirked, "nothing you need to worry about."

As we walked to the entrance again I looked back to the empty hall, "so that's it? We just leave?" I say to The Doctor. "Yep that's it, the Angel is going to be long gone by now, running for its life, probably even leave New York completely, I mean it's not going to stick around when it thinks you're here." He responds. "Why did it come to the library anyway?" I asked while still looking into the empty hall. The Doctor turned around and had a very serious look on his face, "I don't know." He mumbled while looking into the hall, I could see his brain ticking again. That was the thing he was missing, he had no idea why it randomly showed up in the library.

We both headed back to the TARDIS and I dropped myself on to a chair, leaning back in it and sighing in exhaustion. It was a long night, probably the longest night I've ever experienced. The Doctor was at the main console typing things and flicking switches. "So-" The Doctor paused, "where do you want to go?" He grinned. "To bed, I'm exhausted." I replied. "Well get some rest then. I'll take you somewhere beautiful when you wake up." He said while still smiling. I looked up at him and felt myself blush at the sight of his smile. Why did I blush? I leaped out of the seat, wished The Doctor a goodnight and headed to my bed. Before I turned the corner though I looked back to see The Doctor pulling a small book out of his jacket, the same one he took from the library and placing it down on the console. What was he doing that he didn't want me to know about? Is that book what he needed?

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