The In Law Talk Pt 2

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Brie was now walking up to the doors of roman's house she stood at door before ringing the door bell it took a few seconds for someone to open the door her eyes landed on roman sister mercedes who gives her an unpleasant look

"What are you doing here came to ruin more of my family traditions" she shouted at brie with hatred in her voice

Brie didn't know what to say she gave her a sad look looking at the ground before she went to say something the door slammed in her face brie just started leaving until she was stop in her tracks by roman

"Look just let me go home your family doesn't even want him here" she said trying to leave but roman wouldn't let her

"This isn't about my family it's all about you me and this little bundle of joy" roman said rubbing a hand on her stomach he grabs her hand walking back into the living room where his family was

Roman's family was laughing and having a conversation when brie approach the room everyone's head turn making the room a complete silent with eyes glaring at brie so she keep her eyes down

"What is she doing here"sika ask without looking the couple

"Mr Reigns I'm just here because I want us all to get along I'm sorry that I may be the reason that roman didn't choose to go to georgia tech but I'm willing to move past it especially since me and roman are going to be parents soon once this baby pops out I would be real happy if we were on the same page and being a family for the well being of your grandchild" brie said but sika just replies with a simple no which puts a smirk on mercedes face but roman wouldn't take no for an answer

"Why can't you just give her a chance I know why you hate her because she's hunter's daughter but other than that why want you accept her" roman ask his dad but got a reply from his mother instead

"Because we don't want to accept someone who is a whore just like her mother making our son to ignore all these opportunities that was giving to him heck I'm not even sure if that baby is his considering you would post a picture of yourself nake for the whole world to see god your so pathetic" she says yelling in brie's face who was well in tears looking at the rest of the family who just shooked their head at brie for not liking her being here

Brie walks out leaving to go home not liking how everything went bit sadly it did

"And don't come back" roman's mom said before brie closes the door shut walking home almost reaching to her house she was stop by roman saying how sorry he was about his family hatred towards her he walks her home giving her a hug and kiss making sure she felt good about herself

She was now in her room crying in the palm of her hands went the bed shifted she looks up seeing nikki with tissues in her hand she takes it wiping her tears away nikki pulls her in a hug brie was now smiling because she gets to feel the love of her sister again before it last

Roman's family didn't appreciated my well being for roman or his desicion for me but now I was focusing on become a good mother to my baby and ignoring the negative effect people had on me nikki was there by my side for the time being but now I can sense that my life was finally on track about to take a clean turn only to land back in dirt

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