Protective Boyfriend

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Brie went through the doors of the school as usually kids would stare point and laugh at her but today was different she went to her locker and slowly opens it out comes a bunch of condoms with brie's face on it of course as usual there is a camera crew there to shoot it

Brie slams her locker shut heading off to her class she bumps into roman making sure she's okay before heading off to class he makes sure to give her a kiss to make her feel better upon reaching her english class an arm blocks her way that belongs to summer with nikki at her side

"Hey there brie here is a flyer the student government started the sex prevention day to spread the word what could happen to girls like you when you don't use protection and having ugly samoan hippie babies"brie snatches the flyer from her hand pushing through taking a seat at her desk

Class after class brie felt that she was being look upon as the slut or whore even though she wasn't it was twenty minutes to lunch period and everyone was finishing up the last assignment of the day laughter was heard across the room brie sees a group of students harassing one of the top students of wwe high jamiya brie was going to stand up but the lunch bell sounded with everyone leaving class

Brie went over to help jamiya whose was picking up papers that the students purposely drop on the floor jamiya thank brie by giving her a paper flower she made in class

Brie didn't bother having lunch today to avoid going into the cafeteria so she was heading to her locker to pick up her homework she left in her locker she turns the corner to see roman choking heath slater against the lockers she runs over there to stop him

"You say something about her again you going to be leaving here on the stretcher"

"Roman what are you doing let him go"

"He was talking about you I'm not going let them keep talking about you"

"Hey roman listen to your girlfriend I mean she does listen to guys whenever they want their jimmy deans in her muffin"

Roman was fumed in side he tosses him across the hall slamming his head into the locker he sees a binder on the floor using it to cause some damage heath's friend tries to stop roman but it didn't work for they endured the same punishment as heath roman's cousin jimmy and jey came to stop him along with seth and dean who calmed roman down

Roman later was face with suspension from school and was ask to leave campus for the students safety brie ended up leaving the campus grounds early with her mom but not hunter's permission she arrives at roman's house

She stood at the door for a long time she ended up climbing a ladder up the roof inside she could see roman laying down with the headphones on his head she carefully opens the window climbing in she walks over pulling his headphones off as he looks surprise to see her here

"Are you okay I came to see if your okay"

"Yeah I'm alright just I'm sick of tired of people treating you like your some whore or slut"

"Well Ill just ignore them so should you"

Roman looks at brie shaking his head disapprovingly he takes his phone out letting her hear all the voicemails that was left by some random people asking for brie to put on a show for them

"Now you ask me should I ignore this"

Brie looks down the floor feeling bad about how roman was brought into her mess now he has to feel the horrible wrath of every person who talks bad about her

Roman brings her into a hug making her feel safe and love again she starts to feel wetness on her shoulder she lifts her head to see tears coming from roman's  eyes he quickly wipes them taking a seat on his bed

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this brie I'm just tired of seeing you hurt my dad always ask me what makes me happy and I always say my girlfriend brie does usually he would laugh thinking it was a joke but when I was being serios he ended up giving me a couple of scars now I'm dealing with a bunch of assholes who would assault you having me to put them in their place I just don't know what do anymore" roman tears fall down his face as he watch brie stare at him

He walks over to her trapping into a corner he pulls in for a kiss they both get lost in each other until his cellphone rings he answers it hearing what the other voice is saying he tosses his cell phone at the wall smashing it into pieces

Roman takes brie home quickly giving her kiss goodbye speeding somewhere else brie all night try to get a hold of roman her mother rushes into her room telling her that roman was in a car crash and is now on his way to the hospital

Roman was indeed the loving boyfriend he did everything for me which made me happy he defended my honor and now by doing that it landed him where no place I wouldn't want him in the hospital now I alone have to face the world by myself without my superman to come my rescue

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