Chapter 4

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To be truthfully honest, this chapter felt like it was only a filler for the main story.. I don't know why but that's how I think about it.. Still, I decided to go dark on this which ended up into this piece made of numerous words and situations that didn't make any sense LOL

Hope you enjoy :)


I stood up and wobbled my way to the drawers inside the living room. Almost tripping on the three corpses on the floor as my vision blurred. I tried to apply pressure on the stab wound but the fact that I don’t feel anything was sort of becoming a problem.

I must be losing too much blood.

I grumbled as I opened the drawers and pulling out the first-aid kit that Mom always kept there. Opening it with one bloody hand, I grabbed the gauze and took off my hooded shirt before doing my best in bandaging it. Well, what do you expect me to do? I’m no nurse so that explains my inexperience with first-aid treatments.

After locking the bandage, I put on my hooded shirt again but I didn’t feel any different. I turned around and scanned the area before kneeling beside my family’s corpses. I cocked my head to the side and stared at my mother’s empty socket. I peered inside it and saw her optical nerves and other parts of her eye were unidentifiable.

Then the human anatomy popped inside my head.

Grabbing my father’s briefcase near the sofa, I opened it and pulled out his set of scalpels. Picking out one, I used it to give myself a better view of what happened to my family. I steadily walked to the kitchen and grabbed a spoon and a pair of scissors.

I have three tools in hand now; a scalpel, a spoon, and a pair of scissors.

Returning to my family’s corpses, I held the spoon and used it to pop my mother’s remaining eye. Since she was dead, it was quite easy to do. No resistance, no screaming, nothing. The only thing present there was peaceful silence.

Using the scissors, I cut off my mother’s optical nerve and examined her small little eyeball with the emerald green pupil. “Why does it look like a billiard ball?” I frowned as I watch it roll on my palm to the floor, bouncing upon impact. As the eyeball rolled the floor to god-knows-where, I decided to examine her empty eye sockets. She looked like one of those ghosts in horror movies; the ones that chase the main characters to no end with strange expressions plus the lack of eyeballs.

I moved on to her upper torso. I’ve seen the human anatomy in Dad’s study countless times and what always catches my attention how such things create the human physique. So what I did was remove my Mom’s upper clothing and then grabbing the scalpel, I sliced a straight line. I then pried the torn flesh open revealing bloody insides.

Yes, I was what the masses would call “interested” with the human anatomy. But what I always watch isn’t the formation of the muscles or other parts. What always catches my attention is the one part that indicates whether a person is alive or dead.

I’m interested with the human heart.

Seeing that the rib cage was going to be a hard adversary to attaining what I was ‘interested’ to see, I grabbed the nearby trophy that my brother won in a basketball competition and used it to smash the rib cage. What can I say? I’m very resourceful.

Using the scissors, I cut the veins and arteries around the heart but then the blades became slippery and would go weird making the vein stuck in-between them. I grumbled but I never felt irritation or anger. After 20 tries of trying to do it right, I gave up on the scissors and used the scalpel instead. In one smooth slice, the heart was free from its constrictions.

I picked it up from my bloody mess and stared at the thing that was the size of my palm. Then out of the blue, I opened my mouth.

And I ate my Mom’s heart.

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