I Know Who

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Everyone had ran in all different directions, trying to escape from being the next victim. Guards had taken protective stances around the Royals and the victors while others rushed out of the castle grounds to safety.

Soon the guards pushed us back inside the castle, down many flights of stairs, deep within the grounds of this huge palace, to a door at the end of a long corridor. No other doors were in sight and gray walls were all that decorated this floor.

The door seemed to be made of steel, and the guards hurried us through and locked us in. A few guards stood by the door on both ends, making sure no one went in or out.

Lights had flickered on and I noticed more chandeliers, huge black and white tiled floors, a few beds at the end of the gigantic room. There were no windows or other exits and entrances besides the one that we just came through.

Clementine sat on the ground and sobbed, her brother hugging her and allowing her tears to drip onto his now bloodied and ruined suit. Aben paced back and forth, seemingly frustrated and angry. He wanted vengeance and I could see the gears in his pretty little head turning. The other victors stayed on the outer corners and walls, either quietly chatting about what happened or still in shock, being quiet as to how and why it happened.

The King was a good man. All Realms had disagreements with each other but all discussed in civility, no violence or wars were ever needed to end a conflict. Thousands of years ago, humans had led to their own destruction fighting with violence and chaos. Only a small amount of people remained and knew never to result to such cruel acts, creating the Seven Realms divided equally amongst people, focusing on balance within their own lands before interacting with others. That's why over a few millennia, each Realm had evolved but still maintained peace and balance. Nothing like an assassination or any form of killing directly had occurred since that time. . .

Until now.

I didn't know what to say or what to do. I had a very good idea who had done this but how or why seemed to boggle me. The King did have faults with the difference between the well-nourished and malnourished in Euradon, but he hadn't done anything wrong. He had done many things for the good of his people and preserving such a peaceful environment within all the other Realms.

Him and this Royal family had defended me when others hadn't. He gave me mercy and even though he didn't know my troubles and needs of leaving, he and his family welcomed me into his home in such a short amount of time. I, at least, had to tell them my suspicions of who did it, even if it might not put me in their good graces, I had to do this for my King.

So when Aben had aggressively asked, "Who would do such a thing?" I stepped forward and stated, "It was my father."  

Mabel TreesWhere stories live. Discover now