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 I looked at the other two opponents. They were shocked to see I had made the finish line, past the Ambarauyan Woods, the deadliest in all the seven realms. Hell, they were shocked I even decided to enter the race, the first female to ever attempt, but I had been training for this race my entire life. I won't let the fact that I'm a girl hinder me from racing; I didn't care what they thought, I won.

I fled behind the Ambarauyan tree at the center of the pavilion where the finish line was and watched the others cross the line. The first seven that cross over that line will be the seven that protect each of the seven realms assigned to them. They are assigned when all seven have crossed and been placed with the Champion Coronation Wreath and as soon as it's placed on one's head an image of the land they are destined to be in appears.

I looked at the doe, helpless and innocent. Even though we were to kill the animal to bring bounty to the Seven, I couldn't witness that I would end a life so pure. Its eyes practically pled me for death, seeming to know their time for sacrifice has come.

I bent down and silently cut the ties around the female's legs and soon watching it roam free. Everyone seemed to be too focused on the remaining competitors crossing the line to notice the white snow that pranced around into the woods.

At the corner of my eye she watched the last person cross the line, the white strip across now gleamed with red signifying the end as well as a conch shell that had sounded, not for the other competitors, but for the forest. The Ambarauyan Woods was not the average forest, but an abundance of trees that were alive as I was, just unable to move. The trees envied our ability to roam freely, taking it out on any wanderers who dare cross the thick dense trees. Although the trees in the forest hated us, they loved the Race. It was their chance to harm any living creature that stepped in, making it the most dangerous woods in all seven realms. At the Race, they would do anything to kill us, trying to kill us to make the Race challenging. I didn't really find it so, but once the shell stopped its strange calling, the trees' knew the Race was now over. Anyone that still remained alive in those woods either die soon after or become psychotic; either or none of them ever came out.

I looked across the other victors, obviously all male, but they were all battered and bloodied. The trees seemed to have moved away and avoided me, I only was scratched by the doe, even though innocent it put one hell of a fight; my bruises will have her to thank.

The rest of the Seven caught their breaths, while I hadn't broken a sweat. They all congratulated each other, giving all a high five and a bro hug. They didn't notice me, no one does. I'm the typical pariah that no one talks to.

For five years I became silent, not liking talking, not like anyone would want to carry out a conversation with me anyways.

It didn't bother me. I gladly welcomed the silence in hopes of making me disappear and it worked. No one even bothered to focus their attention onto me or congratulate me. Actually not many people even knew my name.

Since I don't like talking and have no other way of communicating, not being able to read or write, I crafted. I twisted the chain around my neck that carried my name, Mabel. I made the silver letters myself, not really knowing how to spell my name but had a craftsmen whom I shadowed gave me what he thought it should sound like.

After a while many of the victors seemed to notice that there were only six people with them. The forest does not make a mistake, hundreds go in, seven go out. I sigh and walk away from my hiding spot behind the tree.

No one noticed me until I stood right between victors Five and Seven. They both reflexively jumped away from me. I gave them a blank stare, used to it by anyone and everyone. I mean I was sneaky after all, not really allowed to have much food, I had to rely on my cunning to survive. I didn't like to steal, but I only took what was needed, a few pairs of clothes, food, and Cvens--currency here in Euradon.

Mabel TreesWhere stories live. Discover now