Tears For Fears Of Losing It

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"Bye Mum. I'm going out." Just as I was about to walk out the door, she caught up to me. " Two

things hun, Be home on time today, I have something to tell you. And is the reason you're always

over at the neighbors' house because of a boy?"

" Yes mother, I think that's the whole point considering I'm being paid to watch him. And if you're

thinking what i think you are then that is just gross. He's 4!"

" No, not that boy.I-"

" EWWWWW!!!! Mum, he's so not a boy, he's old, like you!!"

"It is not 8:25. And I'm sad. Forget I even said anything." Of course I knew who she's talking about.

But I refuse to talk to or about that jerk more than necessary. People always insist that we're

secretly in love and we're just " too stubborn" to admit it. PUH-LEASE! Grab me a bucket before i

hurl. I would never- and you can quote me if you like- ever love that two-timing, cheating, lying,

manipulating, -" You forgot, amazingly hot, muscular, great-haired, loving older brother, and

extremely popular."

" No, I don't think I did."

" You wound me, continuously. You know, once you admit that you are in love with me, the easier

you're life would be." I pushed past him and yelled out for little dude. He came from his bedroom

looking all frumpled from sleep. " You didn't wake him up?"

" Uhm, he was really sleepy and we had an issue yesterday. I just wanted to get enough sleep."

"Ok, no, that's fine. You wanna talk about it." At first he looked as though he did but went back to

Jerks R Us and bought his attitude again. " How come you care? How come you care when

something happens to me or my family, when I don't? Do you not notice that I treat you like crap?

Anyone with half a brain would have already given up." I sighed at his sudden change in attitude.

" You wanna know why I care, huh? I don't have a real family. I never will. I don't have people who

care about me. I have a lot of love and nobody to give it to. Do you know what that's like. You're

father and brother, hell even you are the closest things I have to a family. I do notice you treat me

like crap, I also notice you treat 98% of the entire human race. I may be exaggerating It might be

100% considering you don't treat yourself too well either. And anyone with a half a brain would have

left, but only if their using their logic brain. I'm using compassion and care. So excuse me while I go

get your brother ready for daycare." I said crying. I never would have talked to him like this in public

but, who's he gonna tell?

Viktor's P.O.V

" Jessa! Wait, dangit." I didn't mean to say that. I know that she loves my brother, that's why she puts

with my crap, but... what does she mean by not having a real family?

He's my neighbor, We're engaged, and I hate him just enough to make this workWhere stories live. Discover now