₀₃ cheer squad

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The Rye gypsy sat on the kitchen counter of the Russo home, trying to tame her messy bed head. She wore her blue gypsy outfit while Justin drank his tea and Max held one part of her hair, brushing it to help her with her hair.

Alex and Frankengirl walked down from the spiral stairs, wearing the exact same outfit, causing the gypsy to stop what she was doing and tap Max's shoulder, pointing to the pair. They looked at the angry and annoyed Alex and the happy and giddy Frankengirl, amused smiles on their lips.

"We're good BFFs. Let's share secrets." Frankengirl grinned, holding up her left arm for Alex, "This arm belonged to a seamstress."

Alex quickly took her hands out of the monster's, walking away from her with a disgusted face and visibly shivered while her siblings and Stella watched in amusement.

"Good morning, Alex. You guys look adorable." Justin told his sister, his voice cracking as he tried to keep a straight face.

"Dude, I am definitely on your side." Max stated to his brother, wrapping his arm around his shoulder. Stella rolled her eyes at the boy, having heard him the day before saying both of his siblings' names and which side he was on.

"No thanks, dude. You can't keep switching sides. You're done." Justin said.

"All right. Fine! Then I'm on Alex's side." Max retorted, going over to his sister and staring at his brother with a "so, what" face on.

Alex quickly shook her head at the youngest Russo, "No, no, no! You're not on my side either, dude." She walked past him to Stella who continued to comb her hair.

"What? No side? No, I can't be side-less. I gotta find a side." Max spoke frantically, turning immediately to Stella and giving her a grin.

"Sorry, Max."

Max frowned at her reply, still not giving up. He took out his wand and used a spell that he used frequently, putting Stella's hair in a ponytail and changing her clothes. She looked down at her clothes in appreciation before taking a spoon and checking her hair.

"Thanks, Max. I still don't do sides though." Stella smiled at the wizard, taking her bowl of cereal and shoving it in her backpack.

Max frowned at her response once more before turning to Frankengirl, who spoke before he could, "Keep walking, shorty."

Max then rushed past the monster and out the door, shutting it behind him. Stella instantly stood up, thinking of following him since he could have gotten lost, or gone into the wrong house, having seen it happen many times before. She then shook her head and sat back down, stealing Justin's tea just as he was about to drink from it and taking a sip of it.

Genie in a Bottle ⇾ Max RussoWhere stories live. Discover now