S.Coups || No Biting

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[requested by- ashleyshinewong]
[Y/N, First Person]

I sat comfortably on the couch, Seungcheol's head resting on my lap. I stroked his soft, black hair as we were both being distracted by the TV. A music show was on and Seungcheol seemed very interested in it.
"How much do you think these idols get paid?" He asked as GOT7 began their performance.
"I'm not sure. One of my friends is a stylist at FNC Entertainment and she said the idols always complain about not getting paid enough."
"If I ever become an idol, I want my stage name to be S.Coups." He beamed and looked up at me.
"You know that you won't be able to become an idol. But I'm not too upset about that. I don't want to lose you to promotions or schedules." Seungcheol nodded and smiled sadly at my response.
"Aw, don't give me those sad puppy dog eyes." I teased, pinching one of his cheeks.
"I'm not a puppy anymore!" He protested, whining cutely.
"Well you always act like one."

The night progressed and Seungcheol and I were enjoying our take-out Chinese dinner.
"When is the next full moon by the way?" I asked him as he dug in to his bowl of rice.
"Probably tonight?" He replied, mouth full of food. I smiled in response. I didn't mind Seungcheol's transformations, but it got kind of difficult after seeing it happen so often. Of course a lot of benefits come with having a werewolf as a boyfriend. When I'm being hurt or threatened, he transforms to help me. When I'm upset, he transforms and snuggles up to me. Oddly, having a dog with you when you're upset helps a lot. And sometimes he will transform just so we can go out for a run, exercise is very important.

Werewolves can transform on command if they wanted to. But, the full moon automatically makes them transform even if they don't want to. Don't get me wrong, transforming is excruciatingly painful. The werewolves' bodies are literally reshaped into something completely different to that of a human. My heart always breaks when I see Seungcheol transform because he always screams in pain.

I got up from my seat and peeked outside the window. The full moon was almost uncovered by the thick, grey clouds that were flouting around the night sky. A transformation was bound to happen in any second. I turned around, only to see that Seungcheol was gone. I heard crashing noises from upstairs, a few muffled screams as well. I sighed to myself, knowing that I really couldn't help him in any way. After a couple of minutes, I heard small footsteps walking their way down the stairs. I walked towards the noises and saw quite a large dog's head pop past the inclosed stair banister. The rest of the dog show itself and came towards me. For a wolf, he was quite large. His height reached the height of my hips.
"What am I going to do with you?" I sighed, smiling slightly. Seungcheol jumped up onto me, his paws reaching my shoulders.
"You're too heavy!" I groaned as I tried to steady myself. He jumped down from me and went over the the couch. There was another music program on, and Seungcheol was ready to watch it. I sat down beside him, he flashed me a toothy grin before turning the attention back to the television. And yes, werewolves in wolf form can grin just like humans.
The first song began to play. It was G-Friend's newest song, and Seungcheol really liked it. He began howling along with the music. Of course his howling sounded pretty out of tune with the vocals. I began to laugh at how cute it was.
"You'll always be my little puppy." I smiled, patting his head. He stood up on the couch and jumped on top of me, licking my face and neck.
"Hey, stop! That tickles!" I laughed and tried to push him off.
He pulled away, his face still close to mine. I grinned, staring into his beautiful brown eyes, patting the silky black fur around his ears.
Seungcheol howled something to me. Of course I can't speak wolf, I don't know what he's saying.
"You know I can't understand you." I chuckled, pushing him off of me as gently as I could. I sat up straight, him laying on my lap. My hand resting beside me, which Seungcheol began to nuzzle, indicating that he wanted to play.
"What do you want to play? Fetch?" I asked, stroking the fur under his chin. He howled in response, which I'm assuming meant no.
"How about hide and seek?" He howled again.
"Then what?" I smiled. He howled once more and rested his head on my chest.
"Why don't we just watch TV and sing along with the songs?" Seungcheol jumped up and began wagging his tail. He turned his body so he was facing the television, beginning to howl along to one of the EXO songs that were playing.
"You're so adorable, like a puppy." I teased again. Seungcheol jumped up and dived his head to my hand, nibbling it playfully.
"Ouch, hey!" I yelled. "No biting!" I laughed, kissing the top of his head.
"I love you..." I whispered to him. He howled, his howl sounding like 'I love you too'.

I don't know if miss requester will like this. All the ideas I had flew out of my brain when I began writing. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but I tried really hard. And I changed the book cover, I like this one a lot better :)
Thank you all for reading. Love you guys!! <3 Have a great day!!

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