Chapter 14

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Sorry for the cliffhanger by the way enjoy. Meme🎀

Aubrey's P.O.V
"Well" I began. "My 1st love, he uh, uh, he uh" I stuttered.

"You don't have to tell me if you're not ready." Derek said softly.

"No." I said firmly "I can do this.

" He um. Lemme just start from the beginning. When I was 20 I met this guy at a coffee shop. His name was David."

"I bought a cup coffee and was on my way to my morning class. He bumped into me and spilled my coffee all over my blouse."

" He offered to buy me a new cup. He was so charming and kind, not to mention very handsome" I said reminiscing.

"I gave him my number, he called me that evening and asked me out to dinner."

"I quickly fell in love, he was my first so I fell hard."

"Then one day, we were together for about 6 months. We had a huge argument, he slapped me so hard my whole face turned red, he left his handprint on my face. My head split open with an headache."

" I was so shocked that I backed out the door and ran to my car. I cried until there were no tears left."

" The next day my phone exploded with texts and voicemails from him, saying he was sorry and he loves me and that he would never do it again."

" I was so blinded by my live for him and forgave him actually believing that he wouldn't hurt me again. "

"I moved in with him and life went on until he started pressuring me to do things I wasn't ready for."

" We would argue about it and he would doubt my love for him. He would say if you loved me you wouldn't mind giving it up. "

"I told him I did love him but I just wasn't ready. He would get so angry."

"I thought he was gonna hit me again, but he would just storm out the door and come back the next morning as if nothing happened."

"I lived in constant fear. I didn't want to leave him because I thought I loved him."

"One day I found his coke stash and I would get high when he wasn't around to get rid of the fear."

' About 2 weeks later he asked again for sex. I told him no and he started to pressure me it escalated into an argument."

" I could see that he was getting really angry, so I started to back up to give him space when he grabbed me by my hair and pushed me to the ground."

" He began punching me. He kept punching me, as I tried to cover my face. "

"I begged and cried for him to stop but he wouldn't. I finally blacked out. "

"When I woke up my hands were tied to the bed posts and I was stripped down. He was at a position on top of me so I couldn't move my legs."

" Then I felt it" I said my voice cracking.

"I felt him inside me, the pain was unbearable. I started screaming, but he just thrusted in deeper."

"I felt something rip and cried for him to stop. He cummed inside me, then he began to beat me again."

"He punched and slapped me everywhere. The pain was so excruciating, I fell into unconsciousness."

"I woke up in an hospital room, with Rachel next to my bed crying."

"I had broken ribs and broken bones in my jaw and arm."

" He was arrested and sentenced to 8 years in prison without parole."

"I continued taking coke and other drugs to take away my pain. He broke my heart, I was depressed for awhile."

"I was on the verge of an OD and I knew it, but I didn't care."

" One-day I had to go for a check-up the day before David's sentencing. Right when I was about to walk out the door, I felt something coming up."

"I rushed into the bathroom and puked my guts out. I shrugged it off as just something I ate. I didn't give it a second thought as i brushed my teeth and left."

" I found out I was 2 weeks pregnant with David's baby and made sure to tell him that at his sentencing."

"I stopped taking drugs and got help. My baby girl saved my life" I said a tear falling down my face.

" I only got to hold her for about a minute before she died of health reasons" I said more tears falling down my face.

"Her name was Aaliyah, I said smiling remembering how small she was in my eyes."

Derek pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I accepted it and hugged him back.

We pulled away and stared deeply into each others eyes.

I felt bolts of electricity surge through my body as we leaned in.

Our lips meeting halfway.

Hey guys srry for not uploading I'm awhile I had a lot of stuff to do. But yea know you know bout her ex and ish. Vote & Comment. Next chapter coming soon hopefully. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Love you guys💖

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