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| four | hades is seven years old. 

It had been a week since Hades' accident. Cronus had managed to pin Hades' arm back together, and although he had spent most of his time immobile due to wearing the cast, Hades was on his way to recovery. 

Maia had been watching him like a hawk, even more than usual, and even though it raised concern with Adonis, he was too busy playing father to his fourth child. Artemis had entered the world rather quickly after Maia's waters had broken, much faster than her elder brothers had come, and Adonis was besotted with her. Whilst Leto and Ajax had taken to taking care of Hercules and Zeus, Maia spent most of her days nursing Artemis, and watching over Hades who spend most of his days in bed, his nose stuck in a book. 

Leto sighed as she rubbed her own stomach, tiredness washing over her as she watched Hercules cuddle up next to Apollo, the toddlers sleeping in the large double bed. Zeus was lying on his front, head resting on his hands, balancing on his elbows, large green eyes staring up at the t.v. 

"I'm just going to pop downstairs, poppet," Leto told him, although the five year old barely acknowledged her. Looking over at her son who had now pressed his body up against his cousin's, Leto turned and left the room, closing the door shut behind her before making her way down the stairs. Waddling into the kitchen, she poured herself a glass of water, taking a few moments to drink, before looking out of the window. A soft smile made its way onto her face as she saw Maia making her way towards the house, accompanied by Hades, who held her hand tightly, his other arm carefully placed inside a sling. Beating her sister to the door, Leto pulled it open, greeting Maia, "Hey." 

Maia forced a smile upon her lips, allowing Hades to enter the house before she did. Leto watched her, noticing the dark rings that lined the skin under her eyes. 

"The boys are upstairs," Leto told Hades. However, the child ignored her, immediately making a beeline for the living room. Focusing her attention on her sister, Leto watched Maia take a seat at the dining table, a deep sigh falling from her lips. "So Cronus let him go?" 

Maia grimaced, running a hand through her dark hair. "I don't think he's ready, but what the doctor says, goes." 

Leto rose an eyebrow as she turned towards the fridge, pulling out a bottle of wine, "You're the Luna, what you say, goes." She waved the bottle at her sister, who shook her head. 

"I'm breast feeding," She told her. 

Leto nodded, placing the wine back inside the fridge, and grabbing a cartoon of juice instead. Turning towards the cupboard, she pulled out six glasses, pouring the juice inside. "So, what did he say when he discharged him?" She offered Maia a glass, before walking towards the stairs, and shouting, "Boys, come and get your juice!" 

The sound of tiny feet toddling across the hallway and bumbling down the stairs had a small smile appearing on both of the sisters' faces. 

Hades appeared from the living room, Maia stroking his cheek as he walked past her to retrieve his juice. His brothers soon followed, and Apollo a little while later, sliding down the stairs on his bottom and using the wall to guide him towards his mother. 

Leto handed out the rest of the juice, Hercules being the first to demolish it, "He got more!" He accused, pointing at Zeus who stared back at him innocently, uncaring of his brother's tantrum as he finished his beverage. Leto rolled her eyes as she took their cups, placing them in the sink. 

"You both got equal amounts," She replied, watching as Maia bent down to pick Apollo up from the ground, placing him on her lap and handing him his cup. More of the juice ended up dribbling down his chin, rather than ending up in his mouth, resulting in Leto rubbing a baby-wipe over his face, his features scrunching up in disgust. "You can all watch a film until it's dinner time," Leto told the boys, Apollo beginning to wiggle in Maia's arms at her words, the Luna placing him on the ground. Hades lead the way back to the living room, the toddlers following him. "See?" Leto grinned at her sister, "He'll be a great Alpha one day." 

Hades [Book Three] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now