16. Final dance

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I stared at Katrina's body. I felt like everything would turn black, and I would just wake up... I sunk to my knees.

"Katrina...." I said with tears forming in my eyes.

Ethan stood in front of me.

Dante started laughing like a maniac.

I looked at Katrina's blood as it dripped along the wall.

I looked at Katrina's blood as it dripped along the wall

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Ethan yelling snapped me back to reality.

"Didn't you hear me?! Run!" He yelled at me.

Not knowing what to do I got up and started running as fast as I could.


I understand that's she's in shock. I tried yelling to her a few times. Finally she heard me and ran.

I held the knife in my hand.

I'll protect her.

Cause I love her.

Dante stopped laughing when he saw she was gone.

"Trying to play hero? How sweet. I'll make sure you suffer enough." He said and got ready. "Let's dance"

I glared at him.

He might have lost it, but I still need to be careful with him. He's obviously skilled with knives...

Without thinking he quickly attacked me. I moved to the side, barely missing him. I quickly pushed him with my foot.

If I can get him in front of the stairs, maybe I can push him down.

He quickly stood up and attacked again.

Damn he's quick. He managed to get me on my arm, getting me to drop my knife.

He quickly attacked again. I quickly moved.

I kept moving. It's working.

He was finally in front of the stairs.

"You know you can't win against me, Ethan. Let me have her already!" He yelled.

I looked at him.

"See you in hell you son of a bitch."

I said as I kicked him with all my might, ignoring the pain in my leg.
Dante's eyes widened as he fell backwards on the stairs.

His body went limb. Is it over? I was about to check when I heard someone scream.

"Jessica!" I yelled as I ran to find her.


I ran and ran, I could hear Ethan and Dante yelling. I came to a stop in front of the throne room. Without thinking, I quickly went in. I heard someone else; who was clearly frightened.

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