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I dance at random times.

I sing to myself.

I laugh.

I cry.

I smile.

I live the way I want to.

Thanks to society, the term 'crazy' can now be applied to anything that doesn't conform to society's expectations and it is that reason why some people cannot enjoy their life.

Don't do this, it's weird.

Don't wear that, it's strange. 

Don't say that, it's odd.

Don't think that, that's not right,

Gosh are you really that crazy?

We have reached a stage in humanity where even are thoughts are now being controlled by society. Our thoughts!

Something that was once private and respected is now being judged, our most inner thughts laid out like clothes on a washing line.

What can we do?

Or is humanity doomed?

Am I crazy?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora