Chapter 4

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It was Sunday morning and it was still chilly outside as I sat down on the couch on the porch. It was warmer then yesterday though, I still wrapped a throw blanket over me and sipped my coffee. My usual ritual of watching the morning news had been interrupted by Chace and Ella, who were snoring away in the living room, so Wake up Plano was gonna have to wait until tomorrow. YAY.

I took another sip of my coffee then sat the cup on the end table to my right and grabbed the news paper that was sitting there. Good thing I had a nice paperboy; otherwise I would have to walk in my grass to get it like most other people. I was gonna have to remember to give him a better tip. Mental note taken.

I was about the third page in to my newspaper when I realized I had no idea what I had read on the first two, so I went back to the first page again and began to try to read. I couldn't stay focused though. This was harder then I thought it would be.

"BOO!" Chace grabbed my right shoulder and scared the shit out of me.I let out a scream and was thankful I sat my coffee on the table.

"Chace, you fucking suck!" I put my hand to my chest and took a couple deep breaths to ease my nerves.

"All these years I tried to scare you and now I pull it off? You're getting soft on me."

"NO. I'm just not used to having anyone around that requires me to keep my guard up.' I smiled so he would know I was joking "So how did your little sleep over go last night?" I sat the paper on the table and picked  up my coffee.

"Good. We may or may not have stayed up past our bed time." He laughed at this.

"I already knew that would happen. She only listens when she knows she wont win, she is the smartest four year old I know. she has such a big heart too, did she tell you what she wants to be when she grows up?"

"Yeah, a veterinarian. She loves animals huh?"

"Not just animals; she loves ants, beetles, snakes, spiders and everything else that should gross out a little girl; let alone a four year old girl at that."

"Thats pretty amazing." I joined the ASPCA for her." I took another sip of my coffee. " About a month ago I walked in to the living room to find my wallet on the floor with everything pulled out of it and her on the phone trying to donate to them. When I caught her she had tears in her eyes and said that the animals needed help, so instead of hanging up I became a member.

"Our daughter is awesome." I watched him lay his head back on the couch with that proud father look that he should have had all of Ella's life. I looked away. "She gets it from you ya know?" He looked at me completely serious.

"She gets what from me?"

"Caring so much about every one and every thing. That's why I was shocked you went with me to Malibu after high school. Of course you lied to your parents about it; but it was still something you did for yourself."

"Yeah, that was great." I smiled remembering how scared I was and took a sip of my coffee and glanced down at my wristwatch. "So it's almost 9:30, Ella and I go to church on Sundays, would you like to join us?" He nodded and stood up.

"That's a great idea. I just gotta run home and shower and change. I can swing back by and get the two of you and we can ride together if that's OK?"

"Sure, we will be here although you might want to hurry; church starts in an hour." 

"OK, I will be back." He left before I could reply. I went inside and got Ella and myself ready for church as we waited for Chace.


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