Slipped away

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Aly and I have been searching for a small drug store to maybe steal some chips or something. We've been walking for hours and still nothing. Almost out of hopeI spotted one bot to far away and she squealed in delight.

We tried not to walk too fast or people will think we're up to something. We made it to the drug store. My mom's small pouch(like the one hermione had) that had a charm to make a lot of things fit. When we entered the store clerk look at us suspiciously so I thought of something.

"Remember Claire, Mom said only to buy the jug of milk and go straight home, nothing else." I said quickly hoping that Ally would play along. Ally gave me a confused look but realization must have came to her because she nodded and said, "Ok sissy."

The clerk smiled at us and let us be. 'Phew' I thought,'That was a close one.' Ally must of thought of the same lines because she had relief crossed all over her face.

When we were out of site from the clerk we snatched up some water bottles, chips, crackers, bread,cereal,and some other foods. To make sure we had proper hygiene we took some toothbrushes and toothpaste and stuffed it in the pouch.

To make our story true we grabbed a jug of milk and went up to the counter, putting on the most innocent face we could muster.

She must of bought it 'cause she smiled back and said," Aren't you kids adorable." We giggled playing along.

"That would be €3.00." (Dont know currency in England)

I pretended to look for the money and put a confused look on my face and say"Claire do you have the money?"

Ally shook her head just like we rehearsed. To make it more dramatic, I slapped my hand at the top of my head and said,"We must have left it on the counter!"

The clerk gave us a sympathetic look and said,"Sorry kids, you can get the milk if you don't have the money."

"Its ok, well run and grab the money and come back and pay for it. No sweat." I fake smiled.

I grabbed Ally's hand and yelled, "Be right back!" and ran out the store. We reached a park bench and sat down, opening the pouch taking some bags of chex mix out and some water bottles.

"Christy....I feel bad stealing the food." She said with a regretful tone. I did to but what choice did we have, we had no money. "Me too, but I have an idea. When we grow up well give the money back and explain why we took it." I said. Ally looked up at me with big eyes, and dug in the little food we have.

Time passed and we finished eating and found our mall, we were gonna get stuff from.I was about to open the door when Ally stopped me.

"Christy, wont it look bad if two Little girls walk inside a store with no adultly figure?"

Damn, that was a slight flaw in our plan. No wait forget that, it was a HUGE flaw in our plans.

We must have stood there for a long time 'cause people passing gave us some weird looks.I grabbed Allys hand, "Come on."

"Where we goin' sisy?"


"But they're gonn-"

"Dont worry well be quick, one store only we only need a few clothes."

Ally thought this over a bit, then she nodded ,and we entered. "Remember we have to be quick." We made a bee-line to the girls section without being seen, thank god. We grabbed some jackets, (they're in winter btw) some pairs of jeans, shirts, and two pairs of shoes. One pair of leather boots, the other converse.

"C'mon we gotta go Ally!" I whispered. A security guard must have heard me 'cause te next second theres a big buff guy standing in front Ally and I.

"Hello, girls, where are your parents or are you girl alone?"He asked.

"N-no, w-we're not alone."I stuttered.

"Really, Who are you with?" He raised his eyebrow. I could feel Ally shaking beside me, so I took hold of her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. I took a look at the guard and bent down to Ally's height.

"Ally, we're gonna run for it, if we get separated, dont talk to anyone, and stay at the hideout." I then slipped the pouch that had the things we stole in her belt , then I stood up and stared up at the guard who I knew was gonna make a grab for us.

"RUN!" I screamed, and Ally took a sprint toward the door. I was following, until i tripped on my laces. Ally stopped to wait for me but I screamed,"GO! DONT WAIT FOR ME!"

"But sissy!" She pleaded. The guard caught up o me and grabbed me. "ALLY DO WHAT I TOLD YOU! I promise I'll be back." I said struggling in the guards grip.

"Promise?" she whispered. "I promise." She took one last glance at me and ran out of the store.

A minute later of the guard dragging me to his office. He called the police. When the police arrived, they were whispering an taking short glances at me, but my thoughts lay at Ally wondering if she was safe.

The officer came us to me and stared to question me.

"Whats your name?"

I stayed silent.

"How old are you?"

He was greeted with silence once again

"Do you have a place to stay?"


He sighed and asked one more question.

"Where are your parents?"

I froze. Its been some time since someone asked about my parents. Might as well tell him, he'll find out in due in time anyway.

"Six feet under." I spoke with so much venom, it made him flinch. It wasn't to my parents for dying , or to the officer for asking. It was to Voldemort for being alive.

The door opened revealing two more officers. I took this as my escape. Jumping out of the chair I was in and sprinting my fullest out of the room and the mall. Hearing footsteps behind me increase, I ran faster,ignoring my legs protesting, I made my way to the destroyed orphanage , and to the forest in the back.

"Ally! Ally! Come on we have to leave!" I heard rustling in the nearby bush, and saw her tiny face come out. She perked up at the sight of me, ran up, and hugged me.

I broke the hug, held her shoulders, and looked at her straight in the eyes."Ally I ran away from the police." Her eyes widened when I told her this."We need to leave, they're after me. If they catch us they'll separate us." At the finish of my last sentence, I heard their voices.

I made a signal telling Ally to be quiet and follow me. We passed the police who were searching for me. We made our way to a far place from the forest. It was a beautiful park , but we barely took a look, because we were soon slipping away into the thick trees.

Another update Wooo. Okay guys so next chapter there will be a skip in time Cause I don't wanna write anymore of their beginning so Ill just get to the part where they ----- -------- hehe dont wanna spoil it. You have to read on.

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