Chapter 2

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•Vikk's POV•

I awoke to an officer looking at me.

"Is he gone?!" I ask.

"Yes he is, and you are..."

"Oh sorry I'm Vikk, who are you?" I ask.

"Sydney, I've been assigned to make sure you get home safely," she says.

Wow, she is actually really nice and she's pretty. Brown hair and bright green eyes, she's just... Flawless.

"Did you even listen to me?" She says.

"Oh, sorry, I got distracted by your eyes," I admit.

"Oh, okay, I guess," She says, "Well, I said that I'll help you home, you got a bruise and I'll be assisting you at your house for the day."

"Cool... Wait! Do I have a disability?"

"No, I just gotta make sure no one will hurt you when you go back to your apartment," She says.

"Apartment?" I ask as she realized I'm British.

"Flat to you British people," She laughs.

*Skipping drive home*

•Sydney's POV•

"I'm twenty, I live in New York City, well just moved from London, and I'm a YouTuber," He says.
"Yeah, well, I'm twenty, and I live in New York City working as a cop," I say.

"Might as well just get to know each other," Vikk laughs.

"What's your channel? And I've thought about starting one, but I just don't have time... Sorry, I ramble," I blush fucking up in front of him.

"No, no, you're good," Vikk says, "My channel's name is Vikkstar123, and I got a few others."

I smile.

"Why'd you move to New York?" He asks.

"I moved since I didn't like life in Oregon, my mom's in prison for life, my father's dead, my brother moved to England with my cousin, so my friend Alex got me into police training and now I'm a cop. Then just about maybe a year ago my boyfriend ran off to LA and cheated on me with some girl," I say, "How about you?"

"My girlfriend broke up and cheated on me in LA, and I wanted a fresh start in a new country," He explains.

"Is it really a coincidence we ended up same place and our ex's ended up same place too?" I ask.

"I guess not," He laughs.

"You know, I just live in the flat across the street, so if you need anything just call," I say writting my phone number and giving it to him.

"I'm just across the street," I smile.

"Thank you," He says texting me to give me his number.

I smile and laugh.

"Your smile is really pretty," Vikk says.

"Oh... Um... Thanks..."

We literally spend the rest of the day talking and laughing together. I honestly love talking with him... No... I can't fall again... I don't want to risk it again... I have spent time fighting and getting into dangerous situations, I have risked my life more than once, but I can't risk my heart again.

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"Get back to work tomorrow, you're time with Mr. Barn is over, so you can go home," My boss says.

"Yes sir," I say hanging up, "My shift with you is over, but... I kinda don't want to leave."

"Please don't leave, I- I never lived in this country alone yet," He says.

I nod and sit down.

"You know, you're calmer when you're not working as a cop," Vikk says.

"I know, because right now, I don't have to fight," I say.

"Fighting? I can fight," He laughs.

"Peetah and Katniss?" I laugh.

"More a like professional trained officer and a video game scrub," Vikk says laughing.

"Hello?" I answer my phone again, "Oh, hey Alex."

"Hey girlfriend! Where are you? I got home and you weren't here," Alex says.

"I'm staying with Vikk tonight, he's lonely and-"

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeee, cute! Are you two like a couple!? Oh my God, I ship it so hard-"

"Alex, really? No, I'm not, we're not," I say.

"Well, remember, Friday we're going to spend the day with Lachlan, the guy I met earlier," Alex says.

"I'm not even in the mood to make a ship joke on you two, so feel lucky," I say shaking my head.

"Yep, well, Vikk's coming too, and boss gave us the day off-"

"What the hell? No! He can't blow us off like that! I'm here to serve and protect citezens from danger and harm, not eat take out food!" I say sweating.

"I know, but just think of it as your one second break, besides, you're over-working yourself, just relax," Alex says.

"Okay, fine," I say chocking up my words.

"Alright, see ya girl!" Alex says.

"Bye," I say, "And make sure Jason doesn't steal my doughnuts again!"

"Will do," She hung up.

I sit on the couch with Vikk, and go on my phone catching up on everything.

"Hey, Vikk," I say, "Lachlan? What's he like?"

"You like him?" Vikk asks.

"No, I don't, it's just... I want Alex to be safe," I say.

"Who's Alex?" He asks.

"My roomate, friend, and police partner. I was going to be a lawyer, but then Alex had convinced me into police academy, and now I'm an officer," I explain, "And Lachlan's not even my type."
Vikk laughs.

"What even is your type?" He asks.

I shake my head and look down, "It doesn't matter."

"Well, I'm going to sleep, there's a guest room along the hall, night," Vikk says leaving.

I nod and go on my phone and look to see the picture of me and Alex and her kid.
What would Lachlan think of her daughter? Who knows...

A/N Yay! A new chapter! So, this was purely just a bonding chapter and yeah. As always, have a lovely day/goodnight :)

INTENSE [Vikkstar123 Fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora