The Chosen Ones

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Kayla's POV

"Bye Kayla! Have a great first day of high school sweetie!" my mom yelled as I walked out of the door.

"See you later Mom!" I yelled over my shoulder as I shut the door behind me. A car horn honked and I looked up to see my best friend Abbi in the passenger's seat of her mom's new convertible, beckoning me to join her. I climbed in behind her and her mom sped off towards the high school. We pulled up to the entrance. I took a deep breath. This was the moment of truth. I was starting highschool and I needed to make a good first empression. The next four years are going to be the most important of my life.

I heard someone call my name and I looked over to see my other best friends Katie and Emmie. They were twins so of course the were dressed exactly alike. I looked around me. I loved the feeling of being surrounded by the people who love me just for me. Abbi with her long russet curls draped perfectly on her shoulder and her brown eyes twinkling with kindness. Katy and Emmie Who both had their perfectly straight blond hair in a ponytail exposing their aqua blue eyes. Then there was me. I had long, curly, chesnut hair and deep green eyes. Soon, we would be joined with our guyfriends Steve, Joshua, Chandler, and Jacob. The eight of us have been friends since first grade. Now we were starting ninth grade, still together. The only difference is that Abbi and Joshua are boyfriend and girlfriend.

I was shaken out of my thoughts when Abbi said, "There you guys are."

Sure enough, Steve, Joshua, Jacob, and Chandler were walking towards us. My heart did a little flip. It always does whenever I see Steve. I have had a crush on him since  the second grade.

"Hey Kayla," Steve said.

"Hey Steve," I said.

"How was your summer?"

"It was good," I said. We all greeted each other and then the bell rang. We got our class schedules. Great! All eight of us had all the same schedules which means we could spend all day together. After going down the wrong hallways about three times, we finally found our homeroom. I slipped in a seat next to Katie right as the bell rang.

The teacher talked for awhile about the year's curriculum. Then she got into the lesson. When the bell rang we walked together to our lockers which happened to be side by side. Classes droned on and on until finally the bell rang for lunch. The eight of us grabbed our lunches and raced to the cafeteria to get the best table that we could.

Of course, usually the conversation at lunch is all gossip but since it was the first day of school, there was nothing to gossip about yet. So we ate in silence. Finally, the silence was broken by Joshua. He is usually always the one to break the ice. He said with a smile on his lips, "Did y'all see Mrs. Johnson's hair?"

The tension was broken and we all busted out laughing. That was all it took for the conversation to get started about all of the teachers we have had so far today.

After lunch, we all went to our next classes. Finally the bell rang for the end of school. I packed up my stuff and the eight of us all went our separate ways. Emmie, Katie, Steve, and Jacob all went to sports tryouts. Joshua and Chandler went to band tryouts. Abbi and I went to Choir practice. Little did we know that when we returned to school the next day, neither of us would be the same.

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