Red Hood/Jason Todd x Reader

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It was pouring down outside. The raindrops looked to be the size of golf balls to them. It was too dark to see anything and the thundering was too loud for Jason to think correctly. Maybe if we stay here for a bit, he thought, maybe it will calm down in a few minutes.

He was wrong. He was very, very wrong.

"Ten minutes' tops! I promise the rain will slow down and I'll be able to get you out of here and to your house."

"Do you even know where I live?"

"No, but I thought you were going to tell me."

Jason stayed on one side of the warehouse while (y/n) stayed on the other. They didn't want to look at him right now, much less talk to him. It was wet and dark for the both of them.

Jason couldn't take the darkness much longer though. He needed to see what was happening around them, if anything was happening. Jason pulled out his lighter, flicking the side, a flame started.

He looked in their direction, it was still too dark for him and for (y/n). Jason stood up and from what he could see, or what he could make out at least, was their head turning to look at him.

"Hey," Jason said. He walked over to them and let his shoulder hit the cold metal surface of the building. The impact sent a shiver through his body. Maybe some body heat could warm us up, he questioned.

"No," they said, "we are not cuddling, so you can walk back over there and sit down, Mr. Hood."

Jason was shocked, did I really say that out loud? "Look," he said, "I didn't mean to-I didn't know that slipped out, okay? But I'm not going to leave you over here alone where you can get kidnapped if I don't see you."

They turned their head away from his direction. "Fine," (y/n) muttered out.

He shook his head in response. Jason didn't realize his shirt was dry. Slipping off his jacket, Jason placed it on a crate near them so it could dry off a bit.

"Do you think the storm calmed down?" Their voice was just above a whisper.

Thunder and lightning crackled across the sky. "No," Jason replied, "I don't think so."

(y/n) huffed. Their entire body was shivering. Slowly they took off their coat and placed it by his. Jason could tell just by the way (y/n) sat back down that they were cold.

"I know," Jason said in a hesitating tone, "that you may not like me right now, you know, the offer still stands. I can tell you're freezing and I'm not making you do anything, but still, the offer still stands if you want to...I don't know...get warm."

(y/n) shook their head at him, but their body protested by walking over to him. Jason watched as they got close enough to create heat, but far enough to still make the impression that they still hated him.

Jason shook his head to signal them that he wasn't having it and pulled them closer. He breathed out a sorry and slowly put his arm around them. Jason could feel them lay their head down upon his shoulder in defeat.

"You''re really, really warm," (y/n) said.

Jason chuckled. "Uh, thank you," he said, "I guess."

"It's a compliment, I think." They said in response

Jason didn't realize until now that he turned his lighter off. He felt them nuzzle their head into his neck. He tensed up to the action, but slowly relaxed once he felt how comfortable it was for the both of them. Slowly Jason closed his eyes.

An hour had gone by when he had woken up. Jason could still feel (y/n) laying down right next to them. Jason slowly unhooked his arm from around them and stood up. He stretched and walked over to the where the jackets lay.

"Damp, but it will have to do," Jason mumbled to himself. He put his on and picked up (y/n). He walked out of the warehouse to take them back to their home.


Their eyes fluttered open once the sun's rays hit them. Still dazed, but in a panic, they looked around at where they were. Home.

Once calmed down, (y/n) walked into the kitchen. They opened the fridge to look for their orange juice but to no avail. I could have sworn-

They closed the door and looked at the new note.

Hey, remember to buy some more OJ when you go grocery shopping next time, K!
Love ya,
Red Hood.

(y/n) smiled at the words. What an Ass, they thought. As they read more of it, (y/n) turned it over to look on the back. He left a list of items that needed to be bought and...a phone number?

A/N: Lmao. It's thunderstorming over here and I quickly thought of this drabble to pass the time.
Also, that and my friend Robin suggested me the idea that I should involve Jason in something wet. Technically I did just that.
Also, I just realized that no one died in this one and Jason was happy and not hurt in the end!!! That's a first!

Also I know I haven't updated in a while but thats bc of my writers block and mental health reasons. I am slowly trying to come out of it so please be patient. I really am truly sorry I have been like this.

Comment! Fave! Request are open!

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