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The War of the Divine. Centuries ago, the gods decided that humans had no concept of love. They decided that mankind would not walk through hell to save one another. This was all because Man refused to stop ignoring one another, hurting each other, and soon, and all out war started. Brother against brother, husband against wife, humans against Gods. How or why the war started, I do not know. All I know is that the deities realised that humans were silly, irrelevant creatures, and that they needed to be punished for breaking as many hearts as they did.
So why not turn the punishment into a game? The rules were simple. Everyone, at birth, was assigned a special one. Be that a man, woman, or neither. However, you didn't know who your true love was, until you saw them. Then, your world changes.
My world is black and white. Everyone's is. When you meet your special one, it is called Reawakening. When you experience the Reawakening, they say you can see the different shades of blue in the sky, the different flakes of colour in the eyes of others. I don't know what colour is, no one knows how to describe it. My father says the Reawakening its like dying, then being reborn in a different body, into a different life. Except you're still you.
Isn't it funny how intimidating the future can be? Who's to know if I will ever experience colour? I knew someone who travelled to both ends of the universe to find their true love, but they never found them. It drove them crazy, because they thought they had no one. The gods do make mistakes, sometimes, and people just don't get assigned. So they were born seeing black and white, and they die seeing it, too. I hope I'm not one of those people. I don't know what I would do.
Around now is when people start seeing colour. My friend, Lena, started seeing colour when she met her soulmate, and she was 15. If I had to guess when people began the Reawakening, I would guess around ages 16-30. But what if I'm an exception? Honestly, I don't care about finding my true love, I just want to experience the world in colour. Oh, how amazing that would be.

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