Chapter 5

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Stephan, Maria, and Mister Smooth sat at a booth in a burger restaurant. Stephan sat next to Maria and Mister Smooth across from her. Everything happened so fast, Maria was still trying to recover from the kiss, did it really happened? She stared blankly at the menu, nervous to look up. Did she liked it? She wasn't sure. It was her first kiss. Then she felt angry, realizing he stole her first kiss. All these emotions are related to not liking the jerk, she decided.

"If looks could kill, someone would be dead," Stephan gently nudged her side. She giggled and looked at him, "Stop it. It tickles."

"Oh, I found your soft spot now, have I. You better be prepare as my secretary, I show no mercy."

"I haven't decided," Mister Smoother interjected.

"What is there to decide?" Stephan could tell his brother was irritated. Casually he stretched his arms and then slying rest one over Maria's shoulder. For a split second, he could see his brother's face darken and then went completely poker face.

"Stephan," A familiar female voice chimed in.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Stephan angrily said as he looked up to see the last person he wanted to see, next to his dad.

"I invited her," his brother responded. "I wanted her to meet Maria. I didn't bank on you being here."

"The hell! You could have warned me. I can't stay."

Stephan stormed away and the woman chased after him. Maria stared darkly at Mister Smooth, hating his existence even more. He stared back at her. What nerves he had to hurt Stephan, steal her kiss, and worst, act as though the kiss didn't happen between them!

"Here is your burger and fries. Your salad and soup. And your steak and fries. Is there anything else I could do for you?" The waitress came back with all the meals.

"Yes, pack the burger and fries to go, he had to leave unexpectedly." Mister Smooth responded.

"Sure, I will take this and bring it back shortly." The waitress smile and grabbed the food.

"You're despicable. I hate you." Maria accused.

"Is that anyway to treat your boss?" An eyebrow went up. Maria wanted to throw her soup at him, but she was still very hungry from the morning.

"I lost him," The woman came back before Maria could respond.

"This is Maria," Mister Smooth introduced Maria, "Stephan's new secretary."

"Oh," The woman responded, then sat down next to him. She reached out her hand towards Maria, "I'm Sarah."

"Nice to meet you," Maria greeted and noticed Sarah sat a little too close to him.

"It is so nice for you to invite me, here," Sarah began and then gave him a peck on the cheek. She turned to face Maria, "I was engaged to Stephan until he found us together. Stephan refused to forgive us since then."

"Sorry to hear that," Maria didn't know how to react to that. "Excuse me, I have to go to the restroom."

"I can't stay long," Sarah suddenly got up. "It was nice to meet you."

"Yes, likewise."

"Take care," Maria could hear them exchanging good-byes as she walked absently to the bathroom. She was angry at Mister Smooth, but even more angry at herself. She must control her feelings. What the hell was the feeling she felt when Sarah kissed him on the cheek. No, it was nothing. She must kill it before she mistaken her feelings for something else. Whatever the hell it is.

"I know, I will make him fall for me and then I will reject him," She laughed to herself silently. He kissed her, so he must be some playboy who can't control himself. Stephan even warned her the outline belonged to his brother and not him. Even on top of that, he stole Stephan's financee away and was not ashamed to flaunt it. The nerve the man has.

Returning to the table, she was determined to put her plan into motion. He also stole her first kiss. He definitely must pay for his crimes.

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