Chapter 2

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Maria pulled into the parking lot. The corporation was huge from the outside and even bigger inside. She remembered from her interview, she got lost finding the interview room. Luckily one of the employees directed her to the right place just in time. She took a deep breath and opened the door. She forced her feet to move towards the building. Maybe she would luck out and never cross path with Mister Smooth. Whatever his real name is. It's not like he was her direct supervisor. Maybe the card wasn't even his and he just had it on him.

"Sorry, you can't go in without proper identification," The front desk security stopped her. She turned to look at him confused. He signaled her to walk towards the desk. "Your driver's license please."

"Oh, yeah that's right." Maria replied, searching her purse. Unable to locate it, she looked up apologetically at the guard. She lost her phone and now maybe her ID. What else could possibly go wrong? She paused and then a blurred memory of her putting her ID into the pocket slot behind her phone made her groaned. She apologized and pleaded, "I'm so sorry. My name is Maria and I just started today. I lost my ID and my phone."

"Who is your supervisor? I can ring up them to verify," he responded.

"Good morning sir," The security guard greeted a man from afar. The man greeted back as he came closer, calling the security guard Mario. Even without facing the man, she already sensed he was dressed in a very expensive suit. Maria was surprised when she snuck a glanced back to find the man stood next to her. A rush of heat overcame her unexpectedly as she became aware of how hot he looked. His dark hair and almond shaped eyes. He gave a slight smile, "She's with me."

"Alright sir," the guard responded. "Have a nice day."

Not sure what happened she followed the man with the expensive suit  through the gate towards the elevators. Who is this man and how did he know her? He looked familiar, but she couldn't put her fingers on it. When they stepped inside, he pressed the very top floor button. Maria leaned forward and press the 13th floor button.

"Thank you," Maria turned her head and thanked him. It was at that moment the hunger pang kicked in and reminded her she haven't ate breakfast. She did however managed to drink the remaining water left in her car. Her stomach began making rumbling noises. Embarrassed, she pretended to cough. Once she eats, she will be fine. Glancing at the man again she said with a forced smile, "I'm sorry I don't think we met. My name is Maria. What is yours?"

"Mister Smooth," He responded at the worst possible time ever. No sooner than the introduction was made, without a warning Maria went BLARGH! Vomit went all over the side of his suit jacket. Gooey white salvia slowly dripped down his very expensive jacket. Not to mentioned the few vomits spattered onto the side of his cheek. Maria tried to retain the remaining barf in her mouth; however beyond her control, she let out another round of BLARGH! The rest went straight onto his shiny black shoes. Any effort to clean was lost as the vomit spattered all over the floors.

"I'm so sorry," Maria apologized profusely. She groaned to herself thinking, I'm going to get fired before I even start! Worst day ever! Yes, things did just got worst for her. Little did she knew, it was just the beginning.

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