Chapter 3: Step Back Again

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CHAPTER 3: Step Back Again

We left the markets early, we could sense them, The Treaty, they weren’t exactly here, but they must have kept monitors near the market place because that was the place we were spotted last time we were here.  

“Hertz, they’re being more careful now, they’re not risking losing us,” I whisper and look around the markets gravely, just by some chance; they’re watching us, getting ready to pounce.

“I know Lita, they’re being tactical now and I wonder why. I think they might be under a new ruler, which could be the only explanation.”

“You’re right, because we’ve been running for so long and they haven’t once been trying to find us with the monitors, something’s wrong in our time, we have to check it out. Hertz, do you agree?” I look at him sceptically, he looks worried, not just for us but for our families, they may be in danger. We have to check it out and see what’s happened.

“Yes. I agree. We should go soon, but we can’t leave without giving Stacie a reasonable explanation, okay?”


The streets were quite today, nobody was outside, no music was playing; it was if they knew something that we did not.

We walk up the stairs to Stacie’s house, but before we could knock, it was thrown open and Stacie came running out, slamming the door with her. When she saw us though, her eyes widened in surprise and then her features became shocked and worried.

“You know the people you described as ‘The Treaty’?” We simply nodded and looked at her questioningly. “Well, you may want to run, they’re here, I assure you it’s them.”

We looked at her shocked, how had they found us so quickly, they never usually do, not within three days at least.

“Come on Stacie, if they find you have been helping us, you’ll be in danger,” Hertz says and offers a hand out to her, she places her hand in his and we find ourselves running down the stairs and taking a sharp corner towards the beach.

Hertz and I look at each other while running, then we both glance at Stacie who can’t keep up to pace with us; we then look back at each other and nod, we have answered our unspoken question; Stacie’s coming with us, whether she wants to or not.

“Please, slow down,” Stacie pants, she lets go of Hertz hands and stops, we look back at her. Her face has become red and she’s panting a lot, obviously we need to get her into practice with this whole running ordeal, or we’re all doomed.

“Stacie, we have to go, if they find us and you, they’ll know something’s up, they’ll suspect you and you don’t want to know what will happen when they try to get information out of you,” I say.

“But maybe they won’t suspect me,” she states while taking short breaths.

“I think they will,” Hertz says with a shake of his head and then I see them, The Treaty, walking down the street in their dark black suits, polished leather boots and on their wrists is the band to show where they stand in society, a blue wrist band with gadgets and times and everything; they are the second most powerful in command, first being the royal family which have gold wrist bands. I look at them again and notice the swirling black patterns on their faces, some circle and some hexagons, but the patterns are all moving and changing from black to an azure blue; one by one, they all turn their heads to me, and then one of them, he looks quite young locks eyes with me a smirks; they’ve found us. We have to go, NOW!

“Hertz, grab her, we don’t have time, we have to run, NOW!” I yell turning towards him, but keeping my eyes trained on The Treaty, they are getting closer. Hertz doesn’t hesitate and grabs a hold of Stacie, then while carrying her princess style, we make a mad dash and run away again.

We’ve lost them, but not for long, I think when we get to the beach and quickly grab the little belongings that we have from the hidden cave we found last time we were here, then we both grab Stacie’s hand and rush back to the centre of the beach to get our surroundings in place, so we remember the next time we drop by, that we don’t come to this beach.

When we reach the centre of the beach, The Treaty is already there and they look like they were waiting for us. Well bad luck for them, because we don’t intend to stick around.

“Hertz and Elita, we are here to take you back with us, will you come willingly?” An old guy with a thinning hair line and grey eyes asks.

“Screw you!” Hertz shouts and takes a hold of mine and Stacie’s hand, “Don’t let go,” he says to us both.

“Why do you run?” The guy who I locked eyes with before steps forward and asks.

We don’t answer because the world is already blurring out of proportion and fading from view, I wonder where we’re going, because I hadn’t used my Time Capsule today, Hertz used his, I’m betting we’re not going back to our time, because it’s too risky. The air makes a brisk ‘pop’ and then we’re not standing on the beach anymore, we’re in some type of theatre place; and then I hear those words from the people on stage,

“To be or not to be,”

Oh, damn you Hertz, you know I dislike William Shakespeare.

We just took a massive step back again in history.


Next chapter should be up soon, either tomorrow or the next day.

Anyway have a good day.

On the side should be an image of the wristband the treaty wear, except the colour of the image is different so just imagine it to be blue, instead of clear.

~Jess & Em  

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