Chapter 1: The Sixties' and Stacie

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CHAPTER 1: The Sixties' and Stacie

We were back in the sixties’, oh God, the sixties’ how much I’ve missed you. This was the second time we had been to the sixties’, and I rather enjoyed it, all the hippies and that stuff you call groovy, but what I missed most was our friend Stacie, she was a wild child at heart, we hadn’t seen her in years, but we were back. It was 12:00 am on a Thursday, in 1964, we had just left Stacie when The Treaty had found us, we told her, we’d meet her again, now it’s been five years and we haven’t aged, nor has she because we’d come back the same day we’d left those five years ago. 

We wandered around the park aimlessly in search of Stacie; she was here when we said we had to go away that day. “I found her Hertz, she’s over there near the huge oak tree,” I said pointing towards where she was standing with some friends.

Hertz and I ran up to her yelling, “Stacie!” She looked our way and gave us a dazzling smile, then it faltered and she furrowed her eyebrows. Once we reached her, she voiced, “What are you two doing here, I just saw you leave?”

“Well, we’re back,” Hertz says excitedly whilst he spreads his arms wide.

“Okay then, but I thought you were, you know, running,” She trailed off into a whisper so her other friends wouldn’t hear her. Stacie was the only one amongst her friends in this time era that knows about us, she only knows a little but it’s enough for her to understand some things.

“We were, well we did, we have, um we’re going to, oh this is too confusing,” I reply exasperated.

“We have Stacie, and we’ll probably have to again, but we’re here, so it doesn’t matter, what would you like to do?” Hertz clarified for me; I’ve never really been too good with the whole past and present tense, they confuse me when we travel so much.  

“Well Hertz and Elita, my friends and I were going down to the pier for the bonfire party tonight, you wanna join?” She asks.

“Yeah why not,” we reply nonchalantly.

“Wow, groovy,” one of Stacie’s friends say, I think her name was Kerrie or something. But it indeed was groovy, different colour paper lanterns were strung all around the pier and illuminated the water’s edge creating a light purple pink amongst the tide. The fire was already roaring and there were some classic sixties’ music playing from something, people were dressed up in all retro colours enjoying themselves whilst singing along to the rhythms of the music. Then, Oh stars, someone just jumped off the pier naked, yep we’re totally in the sixties’; all that free spirit and hippie mumbo jumbo is definitely in the atmosphere tonight.

I walked alongside Hertz and Stacie while everyone else went to go and join in the fun, “It’s good to be back,” I say and I mean it; even if we don’t get to stay for too long.

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