The Lay of Nerala, Act 5 - Part VI.

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Nerala ignored Jeruns question as she stepped forward again to stand between the three companions and the body of the Watcher in front of her, almost as if guarding them.

At last she spoke, her voice as flat as her eyes, her weeping now stopping, as she announced the doom of Ilias, Watcher of Whitestone:

"No. It is Time." 



Ursul drew out another stone tile from her velvetine drawbag and added it to those already arranged in front of her on the floor.

"Oh my! I gonna be havin' too much o Time on me hands, seems like!"

And she went off then to empty her large Gypsum washpot of its soapy contents...



As she read on, with whitening knuckles, and tears blurring the words of the letter she clutched, she at last began to take note of the taunting youth before her.

And as the Power subsided from the spell Rivena had unleashed, its energy dissipating in rolling waves out into the now silent Vale of Tirnwood and its surrounding woodlands, she spoke with quiet, gentle menace into the cold stone ear of the stricken elf:

"I want you to THINK about your unkindness. I have left you the ability to do that at least. Take as long as Time permits you."



"You cannot kill me! Die damn you! You took him away from me! I will kill you ALL!"

And after the slap he receives, Osreng will sit. 

Bereft and forlorn

Comforted by one of orchan race, a child outside of her Time, who will tell the weeping Osreng, in halting words:

"Your healing will flow, with Time."



Jerun stared with murderous intent upon the diminutive form of Ursul, incredulity on his face at being told that he would not be with Rivena again as her lover and consort.

"By my eyes, may your essence be scattered to the four winds of Draia! May your words never be heard by any mortal again and you Dust scattered to Time itself!"



"Its a girl!" 

Rivena looked up, exhaustion and anxiety on her sweat ladened brow.

"Oh Jerun! We have a girl this time, my love!"



"It worked! It worked! Nerala that was bloody awesome! We managed to send him ALL the WAY this time! Right to Seridia! And he is in tact! Way to go mean well done Ma'am!" 

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