Chapter Five - The Year Part Two

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Fifth month

We had finally got in with Tressler and began setting things up for our first performance. Today I was doing the shopping and I had Daniel with me this time.

"So, Brooke I was hoping we could I don't know talk."

"About" I picked up some strawberries

"Look I wanted can I say this apologise for how I ended our friendship" I looked back at him

"Its fine, I got over it right after I slapped you"

"Well yeah, but I think it might of been different if we went to the same school"

"How so?" I wondered as I picked up some bread

"We might have been closer."

"Yeah sure" I scoffed

"Oh, for crying out loud I don't do feelings" he huffed

"Whoa, how did we go from about school to feelings?" I stopped

"Cause that the whole reason I said what I said when I was 14 was because of feelings"

"And pray tell what was that." he mumbled something

"Excuse me"

"Nothing never mind" I gave him a weird look before carrying on. We left with the groceries and arrived back ant a empty apartment.

"So I have something new I've been working on and I want to show you" he stated while I unpacked.

"Okay just give me a sec" I  finished unpacking and put things away before turning around to face him.

"Close your eyes and slowly count to five." I shrugged and did so when I reached five I felt another pair of lips on mine I opened my eyes seeing Daniel was kissing me. I pulled back.

"um" was all I could say.

"I have a confession to make and I might as well do it now because there is literally no going back. The reason I said what I said back in middle school is that I was finding it difficult that we weren't going to the same high school. I thought it would make it better for us if we didn't have a thing. The truth is, is that I've had a crush on you since you mouthed of to the idiots when we were 13 and I have wanted to do that for a really long time.

When I saw you again, I said the first thing that came into my head that wasn't me grinning like a fool and blurting out everything that I just said. I did, infact recognise you and it hit me like a ton of bricks how beautiful you are" he ranted while I just stood there in complete shock

"Please say something" I closed my mouth and opened it again

"You've rendered me speechless which I never thought possible."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing."

"No idea,  its kinda weird because I had a crush on you but then you hurt me. If I'm honest I still feel something for you but I don't know what it is I think it might be good." he gave a hint of a smile.

"Will you give me a week to figure things out?"


---big time jump----

10 Months

Me and Daniel have been dating for 5 months it was awkward at first being around the others and them smirking at us but it got better.

"Danny give me back the book" I whine chasing him around the apartment.

"Only if you promise to come to the park with me."

"Why do you want to go to the park?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"Don't speak in riddles magic man" I scowl. Merritt and Jack were chuckling while Henley had a big smile on her face.


"Fine I promise" he smiled and put the book down and took my hand dragging me out of the of the apartment . We walked in Central Park  for a while till we came to a bench.

"so what was the whole point of dragging me out of the apartment" I question crossing my legs

"Well there is something I wanted to ask you"

"Go for it."

"What's that behind your ear." he reaches behind my ear and pulls something small and shiny out. It's a ring

" Brooklyn Thomas will you marry me" he asks

"really" i whisper

"Yes of course. I know we've only been dating five months but we've know each other longer. So?"

"Yes I will marry you" he slipped the ring on my finger and I hugged him

"That whole ear trick was the cheesiest proposal ever." I shoved him lightly.

3 weeks before the big show

I stood at the bottom of the aisle holding onto Daniel's hands. Both of our family were there as well as the rest of the five horsemen

"Do you Julian Daniel Atlas take the Brooklyn Marie Thomas to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, till death do you part?" i smile a little when his first name is read out. I hear Jack, Henley and Merritt snicker in the background

"I do"

"And do you Brooklyn Marie Thomas take the Julian Daniel Atlas to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, till death do you part."

"I do"

"Then, with the power vested in me I now proclaim you man and wife. You may kiss your bride" I grin as me and Daniel kiss

So how was that? Proberly not some of my best work but I did try anyway back to the movie next chapter

Tasha Amy


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