Chapter Four - The Year Part One

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Kay so I'm going to do the year or as much as I can think of. It might be split into two chapters don't know yet but in the film it never gave you anything to go by so 98% is my own 2% is what I've picked up from other stories. Also seen as this is a Daniel/OC I wanted to give him and Brooke more...I don't know what the word is but I wanted to build it instead of going to the one year later saying this has happened without you reading about how it did.

First Month

Henley and I cleaned and dusted out the rooms while the boys took what furniture we did have and move it around. Both us girls found justice in ordering where they should put things.

"Jack, Danny, Merritt a little help" I huffed trying to get thing into the apartment with Hen. They came out

"Whoa, what is all this" Jack asked

"Things we need now be manly and move it please." Jack and Daniel took the bed frames while Merritt help us with bedroom stuff.

"Me and Brooke agreed to share a room. So there are two room for you to fight over" Hen stated

"Jack, those two go in that room here and the rest stay there because those are yours."

"How much did all of this cost?" Danny asked

"Not a lot, we found most of the bedroom furniture in a thrift store I'm going back tomorrow for mattresses" I sighed dropping down on the couch

"Yeah, which leaves me with the tables then computers"

"Okay, I'll go with Brooke shall I" Daniel came and stood next to me

"Whatever. Ugh I need a drink before I even think about doing that bed" I set up the coffee machine and looked in the cupboards we had already done some shopping. Once I was finished with my Coffee I went to mine and Henley's room.

"Do you want some help" I heard Daniel ask behind me.

"Erm, yeah thanks" he brought some tools in.

"Why are you being so helpful?" I wonder as we set up the bed

"Can't I be helpful"

"No, it's just well, it has always been about you and what you want. You never been the one to change"

"I'm not changing just helping. Anyway what has happened since I last saw you"

"Just the usual lost a load of weight and trying to get by, my parents don't exactly approve of my career choice, but they love me enough to support me. What about you?"

"I do jobs here and there enough to keep me going but I still do magic and well it helps me get girls."

"Is that all you care about magic and girls?"

"Well yeah."

"And what about when you find the one, will you just use her like the rest and make sure she hate you?"

"I'm not a girl I don't believe in that."

"Whatever it will happen one day I tell ya" we finished the first bed and do Hen's

"So any boyfriends"

"I don't call them boyfriends, I call them assholes because they only wanted one thing." I ended the conversation there.

Third Month

I sat in the main room with the layout of the MGM grand and building a model of it.

"So our first target, Etienne Forcier he's and account holder for Credit Republican de Paris "

"Yeah so, how do we get him to Vegas when we want him" Henley asked

"Inception" Mer stated

"This isn't a film, Merritt, we don't have a cool device to go into people's dreams." Danny rolls his eyes

"Not like that. Look we give him the idea of going to Vegas then keep on reinforcing it like a chip, or part of a conversation, things like that." I nodded

"Guys look at this." I smile broadly


"This is the model of what was given to us of the MGM " Hen pointed and I nodded

"Okay, the vault goes underneath. We'll need this to go right on top" I said pulling the 3D model of the transporter

"Okay once we're with Tressler we can start building it for real. Right" Henley said

Fourth Month

Something weird was going on, Daniel was becoming clingy and it was freaking me out. Right now I was sat in my room looking over things to do with the bridge while Daniel and Jack were out tailing Tressler.

"Hen" I asked she was going over things for in New Orleans.


"Is it me or has Daniel been acting weird"

"Danny's always weird" she replied

"Yeah, I know but he's becoming clingy, like I got to do something. He wants to come when I do one of my tricks, he's telling me that I did good but to just do something else. Then there are these times that I catch him staring."

"Maybe, he likes you." she grinned

"Yeah right why would he like me I'm just the girl that took all the heat back in middle school."

"Don't sell yourself short" I sigh and go back to what I was doing

"Okay, we need to stop working come on." Hen dropped her stuff and dragged me out of the room and into Daniel's room. Jack had offered to take the sofa bed while Daniel and Merritt got their own.

"what are we doing in here"

"Best way to know what a guy is thinking, is to look through his room." she began looking around.

"I'm not doing that, it's an invasion of privacy"

" And what are you two up to?" we turned to look at Mer with a smirk on his face.

"Nothing" I splutter

"After talking with Brooke, I've come to the conclusion that it's possible that Danny might have a crush on Brook."

"Ah so it's not just me then" I folded my arms

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Well at first I thought he might have a thing for Henley here but after further observation, his spare time is focused on you."

"Ah ha a year book and what do we have here a paged marked" we went over to her and she opened it up there was a small picture and under it had my name.

"That doesn't mean anything, my picture is missing so what doesn't scream he likes me. He doesn't, he just is...well ugh go away" I went to the kitchen and made something to eat.


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