What are you waiting for? - Benji Madden - 5.

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Normal POV

I couldnt believe it.

Out of all the people Billy could have been friends with. Out of all the people in the world, he was sharing a motel with my ex boyfriend. 

Seeing him, his gorgeous as always face. Everything about him seemed new, but at the same time there were still the familiarities. Everything about him had changed over the few years, but it was the exact same.

I wasnt sure if i should scream in excitement, or cry.

I hurridly walked along the sidewalk, hoping Billy hadn't  decided to follow me. I dont think he had though, i checked before leaving the motel itself. But now being in the part of New York I dont know, that was a whole different story.

Someone grabbed ahold of my shoulder, absolutely startling me. I spun around, taking a step back as i did.

"B-Benji?" I looked, wide eyed, at the tattooed man infront of me. Deffinately not who i was expecting.

He didnt say anything, just stood there, staring at me. I felt a little uneasy. Why had he followed me?

I cleared my through. It seemed to snap him out of his trance.

"Oh" He glanced down, "I just wanted to make sure it was really you."

I was confused..He hated me. He left. "what?"

Benji moved a bit closer, keeping eye contact. "I missed you." He mumbled.

No. you left ME.

I was almost falling for it, until i found my voice, "No" I tore away from his grip on my shoulder, "You left me. You walked out." I was in disbelief. Had I been abducted last night and beaten senseless? No..this was real.

"I know! But I was scared. I didn't know what to do with you anymore. I felt like everything had fallen apart after-"

 "Don't you dare say it!" I snapped, "I cared about you so much. I dropped out of school for you. I left my family for you. Which by the way, they stil dont talk to me!" I was screaming, almost in tears. I had tried so hard to forget about all the misery being with Benji had brang. Dont get me wrong, I loved him like nothing else, but i lost everything else. 

I looked at the traffic passing, hoping Benji hadnt seen the water forming in my eyes. "I didnt think you wanted a baby..I thought you'd leave us. Thats why I got rid of it"

What are you waiting for? - Benji Madden - Good Charlotte. 1.Where stories live. Discover now