What are you waiting for? - Benji Madden 3.

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I signed off for the night a couple minutes after Jasmine had left. Billy was still out the front waiting for me, though he had finished his drink.

Did I really just agree to chat with someone I've never met? He could be a rapist or something. Oh god Krystal, you're going to die.

"okay..That's everything.." I mumbled as I pulled the self locking doors shut.

I looked over at Billy and he smiled weakly, "I'm actually really glad you agreed to see me..like I usually don't ask random girls out, but I don't know, you intrigue me." He looked down slightly, "wow that must of came off really creepy"

I laughed awkwardly, "yeah, a little. But I usually don't go with random guys either, so feel lucky"

We walked for a bit. Discussing where we were from, what we were doing with our lives, things like that. Turns out he's in a band, and they're on the edge of making it big. He said they've already released an album, but he thought this one is going to be better.

"we've already got our first single lined up. Its called Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous. I didn't know if it would be big, but Joel, our singer, thought it would be, along with our manager. I hope they're right. Otherwise we're going on this mini tour for nothing. Not that I don't love it, the shows are great. I just wish we could do something bigger" Billy explained.

"Oh, that's cool" I smiled, I didn't exactly know what sort of band they were, but Billy was nice, and it didn't help he was kinda cute, so I hoped they did make it.

We stopped walking once we hit a park. It was probably about 11.30 by now. I usually don't go out in new York at night, and to be honest, I wasn't exactly sure where we were.

But I felt a little safer being with someone.

"So..where abouts do you live?" Billy asked me as we sat side by side on the swings.

"Um," I thought for a moment, "In a small unit, on the other side of the city I'm pretty sure." I laughed nervously, "I'm not exactly sure where it is from here. I don't really go anywhere once its dark."

We were both silent for a little while, neither of us knowing what to say.

"well, do you wanna stay with me tonight? I mean, I'm here with the guys, so it's not like I'm going to go back and kill you or something, I just..I'm sory, I feel like an idiot..But the offer stands"

It was funny, but a little painful to hear Billy stumble out his words. I don't know why, but I believed him.

"sure, that would be great"

His face lit up when I agreed. Which made me smile too.

It was starting to get cold, not to mention it was almost midnight. Billy and I decided it was probably best to head back to wherever he was staying, he had told me the name of a motel, but I'm horrible with remembering things like that.

3 years, 2 months, 7 days since Benji left me.

Okay, maybe I do remember stuff..

'We're here" Billy exclaimed, it wasn't too far from the park, thank god. I glanced up at the motel, wow, talk about fancy.

"Haha, It's not that fancy" He nudged my side.

blushing a little, I bowed my head, I thought I was out of that habit.

Billy showed me up to his room, well, suite. Damn bands. He was sharing it with a band member, but apparently he was passed out on the couch, so that meant I got to have Billy's bed and he would take his friends. I felt a little bad, but he insisted, it was way too kind.

The motel bed was a lot comfier than my own. It's pretty sad when it comes to that. I really do wish I had more money, just to make things a little nicer in my own house.

Sleep came surprisingly easy for sleeping in a random guys motel bed.




"Dude, how could you bring a random chick back here and not tell me?!" I heard someone shout, wow great wake up.

"You were asleep. Besides, it's not like I did anything with her." I heard Billy call back smoothly.

"I'm sure. You should have told me though!"

I sat up, slowly pushing the covers away from my legs. Would it be too weird if I went out there now?

I contemplated it for a few moments before realising that I'd eventually have to go out there.

Trying not to make much sound, I pushed the door open inch by inch. I could see what I'm assuming was Billy's band member walking around rather quickly, like he was looking for something.

I gulped loudly and opened the door the rest of the way. I don't know why I was so worried, maybe it was because they were just arguing over me being here. I felt like I was invading.

I stood in the doorway for a moment, not seeing Billy anywhere.

"um..Hi" was al I could manage to choke out. The man spun around. Oh if looks could kill.

What are you waiting for? - Benji Madden - Good Charlotte. 1.Where stories live. Discover now