Chapter 1 - Betrayal

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Evening Moon

Chapter One


I couldn’t believe what was happening before my eyes.  My own mother lay on my boyfriends, well now ex boyfriend, chest.  His hands were all over her pale white body.  The image of their lips pressed together will forever be burned and scarred into my mind.  They had looked so engulfed in the moment, too.  Like nothing else had mattered when I came into the room.  

When they both heard my cry, they looked up.  I could see the confusion flash across Jake’s face when he saw me.  I was totally fixated on him; having been separated from him for so long.  He glanced at my mom, and I could just tell that he was contemplating on pushing her off of him, so he could go to me.  But even if he did, I wouldn’t have let him touch me.  

Betrayal shot through me, and I couldn’t believe both of them would do this to me.  What about my dad, what happened with him?  Does he even know?  I made it my job to go tell him, even if he did know.  How long have I been gone, anyway?  I couldn’t tell anymore.  

When Tanya had kept me locked up, all I kept telling myself was that my family was going to come save me.  But they never did.  They must have tried, that’s for sure though.  

“Nessie...”  My mom slowly whispered.  I could hear the heartbreak in her soft voice, and her face showed how regretful she was.  Not like that would change anything though.  Forgiving her now was going to take a lot.  And that’s only my mom; Jake was a whole new story.  Considering I’m his imprint, he shouldn’t have been able to move on so quickly.  And with my own mother, too...

This is all so wrong.

My mom sat up and leaned down, grabbing her shirt and attempting to cover herself up, as if that would fix anything.  I can’t believe she did this to me.  

I could imagine how my face looked right about now.  So horrified by the scene unfolding in front of me, my features perfectly echoing the betrayal and disgust I felt inside.  I glanced from Jake to Mom, and slowly took a step backwards.

“No don’t go,”  Jake whispered, trying to say the words quickly.  He looked at a loss for words, and didn’t know what to do.  

I looked at Jacob, shaking my head slowly.  I could feel that my jaw was dropped.  “H-how could you?”  I could feel the tears swelling up in the corners of my eyes, getting fatter and fatter until finally one fell, creating a shiny wet line down my cheek.  Overwhelming emotions washed over me, and I couldn’t take it anymore.  Even though it was only a few seconds I’ve been standing here, it seems like it’s been hours of facing this agony.  I turned on my heel and left, increasing my pace because I knew one of them was probably going to try and follow me.  

I could hear Jake getting up and running to the door, then a crack.  I was guessing he had broken something in his anger.  But Mom was safe.  He wouldn’t hurt her, only me.  I can’t believe he would do this to me...

Opening the door to the main house, I walked in and slammed the door.  Overwhelmed, I leaned on the door that was still shaking from the slam.  I started to let the tears overflow, and my back slid down the door until I was hugging my knees against my chest.  

A thought hit me.  People had to be home right now, and since I’ve been gone, I was bound to be attacked with hugs and mostly questions.  Trying to smell who was here, I recognized someone.  But it’s been so long that I wasn’t fully sure on who it was.  I heard their footsteps treading down the staircase, and as they rounded the corner, I could see who it was.  My eyes focused on my Dad.

“N-Nessie...”  He whispered.  

I could tell I’m going to hear my name a lot, as more people see me again.  

I stood up quickly, and took a few small steps towards him.  “Dad...”  I whispered.  The happiness I felt because of seeing my father again took over for a few seconds, but then when I remembered what I needed to tell him, the betrayal returned and so did my frown.  

“You’re alive...”  He gasped.  In an instant, he ran towards me, clutching the sides of my arms in his hands.  It hurt slightly, but I didn’t move.  He hugged me tight against his chest, and all my memories flooded back to me of my father.  I missed him so much, even though sometimes I hated him.  

I hugged him back, clinging to his cold body.  I slowly nodded, and replied.  “Yeah I’m.. alive,”  Tears started to gush out of my eyes, some because of the happiness of being back, but then because of the hurt.  The pictures of Jake and Mom kissing were suddenly back in my head, and I winced, crying harder, against my dad.  

A deep growl erupted from him.  “He did that to you?”  He said, between a clenched jaw.  He pulled away from me and started towards the door, his hands forming fists.  

“No Dad don’t leave, please...”  I whispered, reaching out and grasping his arm.  

My Dad’s body shook when I touched him.  He turned his head, and looking at me, his face softened.  He looked sympathetic.  “I won’t leave, I promise,”  He turned around and came back to me.  “You’re the only thing I have left.”

Evening Moon: The Saga Continues (Sequel to Evening Sun) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now