Chapter 2

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As I looked into her gorgeous, pale green eyes, I couldn’t help but get distracted. There was something so comforting about looking into her eyes and getting lost in them.

“Daddy, do I have to listen to this or can I go play with the toys in the back of the room?” She said, pointing in the direction of the toy box.

“That’s fine by me sweetie, but I think it would be better if your asked Mairi here.”

Alice looked at Mairi with pleading eyes, “Please Ms. Murray, may I please go play with the toys?”

Mairi laughs and nods her head. Alice didn’t have to be told twice and started skipping pasts the desks, into the direction of the toy box. I smile as her blonde, curly pig tails bounce as she skips. I turn my attention back to Mairi and caught her smiling at my little girl.

“You must be so proud, she’s a sweetie. She’s one of my best students and even though every teacher says they don’t have favorites, don’t listen to them. We all do and personally, Alice is one of mine.  If you tell anyone I said that, I’ll deny it.” I chuckle at her forwardness.

“I am more proud than I can say, for all of my children, and I promise, my lips are sealed.” I wink at her, going along with the act.

“Alright back to business, I can honestly say I don’t have much to say about Alice. She does her work, she’s good in class, and she gets along with the other student. You’ve done a great job at teaching her manners, especially for being a single parent.”

“Pardon me, but how did you know her mom was no longer in the picture?” I ask, curious.

“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean to be too forward, it’s just that Alice talks about it every now and then in class.”

I think about what she said a little bit before I managed to reply. “What exactly does she say?”

“Nothing too bad, just how she misses her mom and all, but her daddy’s always there for her whenever she needs you.”

I sigh in relief. “I feel bad for them, because I know it must be tough to grow up without a mother, but I try my hardest to make up for it, even though I know I can’t.”

Goodness, now I’m getting all emotional on a woman I just met? And my daughters teacher no less! Man, I’m losing it.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to get all emotional on you with my personal life.”

“It’s fine! I don’t mind having a normal, grown up conversation! I have to talk to 5 year olds for 7 to 8 hours a day. That doesn’t leave much for my personal life. It’s good to talk to a mature person for a change.”

I love this girl’s sense of humor. I feel like if I teased her, she would give it right back to me. Only, ten times worse. There’s something about her, I don’t know what it is, but she just captivates me. It makes me want this conversation to never end.

We talked a bit longer, the professional atmosphere dropped. It seemed we talked about everything and nothing.

I told her about the time whenever I went skiing for the first time, completely clueless, and jumped off of the lift whenever I wasn’t supposed to all because my friend dared me too. Yeah that resulted in a massive bruise right on my rear end. It hurt to sit for weeks. Whenever I finished telling her the story, we both enjoyed a good laugh, or at least until we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

We glanced up to wear the noise was coming from and noticed another parent and child were patiently waiting their turn for their conference. I was so preoccupied by talking to her; I completely forgot that we were on a time limit. With her, the time flew by so fast.

“Hello Mrs. Gregory, Garret, I’ll be right there. Just let me say goodbye and I’ll be ready.” She said to them. I watched as the mother nodded and walked outside, while holding onto her son’s hand, to wait.

When I turned back around, I swear I caught a glimpse of Mairi checking me out, but I can’t be too sure. I’m probably just imagining it. She smiled politely at me and held out her hand. “It was a pleasure to meet you; I hope we can do this again sometime.”

“The pleasure was all mine, I certainly hope we can,” I said, returning her smile with one of my own.

“Alice, honey, it’s time to go.”

“Ok, daddy will you take me out for ice cream?” She skips her way over to my side and grabs a hold of my hand, placing her tiny one into mine. She smiled sweetly up at me, shooting me her signature grin. It gets me every time.

“Sure, but we have to go pick up Ross and Hazel. The last thing I need is Ross complaining that I got him the wrong flavor, again. We’d never hear the end of it.”

“Thanks a bunch, daddy!” she tugs on my hand, indicating she wants me down at eye level. I squat down and she hugs me tightly, wrapping her arms around my neck, kissing me on the cheek in the process.

I completely forgot of our audience and once Alice released her hold around my neck, I stand up straight and apologize.

“I’m sorry for taking up more of your time; we’ll be on our way.”

“Good bye, nice meeting you!” she says from the doorway once we’re halfway down the hall.

Never letting go of my hand, Alice turns around and wave’s goodbye to Mairi.

For the rest of the night, I couldn’t get a particular teacher with pale green eyes, out of my thoughts. 

Just Maybe, Teacher/Parent Romance. On Hold.Where stories live. Discover now